[CV] Staff Application

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by MrMB2013, Apr 10, 2014.


do i have a chance ?

  1. Yes.

    3 vote(s)
  2. No.

    17 vote(s)
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    LOCKED BY MrMB2013
    Bionicrm and drtshock like this.
  2. Offline


    I know English isn't your first language as stated in your "CV" but... I don't want you to enjoy me. That's just wrong on so many levels haha
  3. Offline


    Dat signature xD
  4. Offline


    wrong forums and its practically asking for staff, both nonos
  5. Offline


    XD 3VIL M0NKEY likes this.
  6. Invisible


    like MysteryManX this is breaking a rule. Also you have only commented 43 times. I would try and get at least 2,000-6,000 before I even considered asking. I think they would give people like Bobcat00 staff before someone like you.

    *I am not trying to sound like a complete dick by posting this*​
  7. Offline


    I don't think it's so much of a rule, but rather a way of trying to reduce the amount of people throwing staff applications at them.

    I mean, I'm not trying to shit on his luck or anything, but merely wanted to point it out. :p But I've always believed in "you don't ask, you don't get.". :p
  8. Invisible


  9. Offline


    Is this serious.......
  10. Offline


    yes, why ?
  11. Offline


    Why would they pick you over timtower , he recodes minecraft as his morning workout
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MrMB2013 Thing: do you know the rules?
    Onlineids likes this.
  13. Offline


    DrPyroCupcake Don't know why you threw my name in there. :confused:
    I assumed it was because the best moderators are ones who don't ask but are drafted. Or as another site put it: "We only want moderators who don't really want to become one."

    EDIT: Which is why I'm really confused with all the servers that have a moderator application process. That's the worst way to choose moderators.
    timtower and Necrodoom like this.
  14. Offline


    When I was running a server, I tried two ways: one was having an organised system for staff apps, where I'd post on my forum saying I'm looking for mods, and people would make a their own thread following a templete that I wrote out. And the other was (which I found much better) ask only people I knew or know, if they would like to be a mod and/or could help out. And that to me, was much better, rather risking unknown people to possess those powers.

    Story time! (open)

    I also tested this players honesty and intergity once by giving him Creative so he could build some pixel art. I on purpose said I had to leave, and that I'd trust him not to abuse what I gave him.

    So after half a minute of me leaving, I checked the console log, and there was a huge chat going on, asking if anyone wanted anything. When I noticed it, I quickly reverted him back to Survival, and he was like "Oh :(" and I was just stood there laughing. ^_^
  15. Offline


    As stated by the others in this thread, it's not as easy as you think to "be a moderator". It's a commitment, a commitment that is with you every day of every week.
    I'm sure that you wouldn't like to have to log in every day to edit/delete ridiculous and stupid threads posted by all sorts of people (not pointing fingers or anything). I can guarantee without a doubt that if you have any other commitments you will get incredibly stressed out. Moderating a forum with a quarter of a million members isn't your free Enjin forums. It's a job, a voluntary job.
    I speak with a lot of the staff here quite often, hell. I host 2 of their servers and I can assure you they don't even have time to play on them.
    The main reason you are being "criticized" in this thread is because of the way you went about applying, you made a very childish post with poor formatting and bad grammar.
    (Before I get hate for that, I understand his first language isn't English however if you feel you cannot post with enough knowledge to make proper sentences then why are you applying?)
    What I would do:
    • Stick around in the community for a while.
    • Report posts that you think are against the terms and conditions.
    • Be active, without spamming.
    • Be as helpful and as involved as possible to earn yourself a good reputation.
    What you shouldn't do:
    • Be a "backseat moderator". Editing your posts and saying that you have "locked" your thread is just silly and unnecessary.
    • Post useless comments to "bump" your thread.
    • Post staff applications. If you read the community announcements forum, you will find the right thread.
    • Apply with less than 500 posts. It makes you seem "under-qualified".
    timtower likes this.
  16. Offline


    I'll say. My daughter is a moderator (forum and in-game) at another site, and all she's gotten is a ton of grief for it. She set her status to something like, "Why bother to log in when people only yell at me?"
    XD 3VIL M0NKEY and timtower like this.
  17. Invisible


    Bobcat00 I choose you because you are the best at being you, and you are you. When I choose you I was stocking you on your profile so I already had "Bobcat00" in my brain, so it was one of the first names that pooped into my hand. Also your daughter is a Bukkit moderator, just out of curiosity your not like a really old man are you? My definition of old is <=65
  18. Offline


    Is that like a bird pooping on your shoulder? :)

    My daughter is not a Bukkit moderator. She's a moderator on another Minecraft server and associated forum.

    And I'm younger than 65.
  19. Invisible


    Bobcat00 no but it feels like a bird pooping on my shoulder.
    Okay, if you where older than 65 I would have stopped using the Bukkit forums. :p
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