Custom tab list

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by HairlessGorilla, Nov 3, 2020.

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    Suggested name: Custom Tab
    Version: 1.16

    What I want: I want a plugin that allows you to add random players in the tab list, so if I ran the command /tab add Dream, it would show dreams name and skin in tab. If I did /tab remove <player>, it would remove the added player. One more command i would like is /tab hide <player>, if you ran this command, it would hide the chosen player from tab (if they are online), much like supervanish, but without going invisible. And /tab show <player> it would unhide the player from tab.
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    Use the command /fpo motd to toggle using the alternate MoTD.
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    I installed fakeplayersonline plugin and it works good, except when i set the fake players prefix to &6[&aPLAYER&6], it makes the players name 1-2 characters long. How do I stop that?
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