Custom Punishment Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Salty__Medo, Jun 21, 2017.

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    I want to have a punishment plugin like you would do a command like this:
    /cpunish (player_name) : it opens a gui that looks like a server selector but there is a bunch of things like

    Bedrock Block:7 Day Ban for X-Ray Sign:mute 8 hours for spamming

    if you want to see a better example just watch donibobbes catching hacker series and go to the part where he bans the hacker
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    You don't want to, you can use AdvancedBans and use the PunishmentGUI plugin. Other than that, I don't think it's necessary to create a request for this. However, if they don't fit you, I can try to make it for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2017
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    Its a recommendation
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