Custom Pickaxe plugin idea

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Darkman_Bree, May 29, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hello, this my first plugin request. I really want a plugin thats usefull for some minigames on my friend's server that I make.

    Plugin Name: CustomTools
    Usable for everyone: Yes
    What must it do: Some commands that adds special pickaxes such as the Smelter's Pickaxe, Explosive Axe, Bounty Shovel and more... it must be a Diamond Tools, but the regular Diamond Tools must still work, Fortune must work

    Smelters Pickaxe: Smelt Stone/Cobblestone into Stone, Iron Ore into Iron Ingot, Gold Ore into Gold Ingot, Netherrack into Nether Brick
    Smelters Shovel: Smelt Sand into Glass, Clay into Bricks, Red Sand into Glass
    Smelters Axe: Smelt Oak/Spruce/Birch/Jungle/Acacia/Dark Oak Wood Logs into Charcoal
    Explosive Pickaxe: Makes a small explosion that destroys more blocks than 1 if a stone-related block is broken
    Explosive Shovel: Makes a small explosion that destroys more blocks than 1 if a dirt/sand-related block is broken
    Explosive Axe: Makes a small explosion that destroys more blocks than 1 if a wood-related block is broken
    Bounty Pickaxe: Sometimes when mining a stone-related block, the block will drop and the block is also replaced by either Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Ore, Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore (This can be changed in the config files)
    Unbreakable Pickaxe: This pickaxe never loses any durability
    Unbreakable Shovel: This shovel never loses any durability
    Unbreakable Axe: This axe never loses any durability

    Maybe also a command to combine the effects? this is not really needed, but it would be cool if possible

    Commands: (all /customtools commands can be to /ct to make it shorter)
    /customtools help: view all commands from the plugins (ALL)
    /customtools list: view all special tools (ALL)
    /customtools spawn (tool): spawn a custom tool (ADMIN)
    Smelters_Axe, Smelters_Shovel, Smelters_Pickaxe, Explosive_Pickaxe, Explosive_Axe, Explosive_Shovel, Bounty_Pickaxe, Unbreakable_Pickaxe, Unbreakable_Axe, Unbreakable_Shovel (these are all the tools)/customtools worth (tool): shows how much that tool is worth (ALL)
    /customtools setworth (tool) (cost): sets the worth of a tool (ADMIN)
    /customtools buy (tool): buy a tool for the selected amount of money at /customtools setworth (tool) (cost) (ALL)
    (The features listed above are released by yoft )

    Update for CustomTools pleaseBug fixes please:
    Fortune not working anymore with anything
    Silk Touch not working anymore with anything
    Fortune not working with blown-up blocks or smelted blocks
    Silk Touch not working with blown-up blocks
    Non-OPs can break protected blocks and they drop
    Some blocks breaking in Creative Mode drops
    If you break a block while holding a item with higher data value in your hand (such as charcoal) it turns into Data Value 0 (Charcoal to Coal)
    Smelting Wood with Smelters Axe gives Coal instead of Charcoal

    Lumberjack Axe: This axe breaks a tree in 1 wood broken
    Vein Pickaxe: This pickaxe can break a whole group of ores in one break
    Light Pickaxe: This pickaxe will place a Torch when a block is broken with 25% chance
    Leaf Looter Axe: This Axe increases the chance of Saplings and Apples dropped
    Heart Pickaxe: Heals 1 half heart when a stone-related block is broken
    Heart Axe: Heals 1 half heart when a wood-related block is broken
    Heart Shovel: Heals 1 half heart when a dirt/sand-related block is broken
    Saturation Pickaxe: Heals 1 half hunger when a stone-related block is broken
    Saturation Axe: Heals 1 half hunger when a wood-related block is broken
    Saturation Shovel: Heals 1 half hunger when a dirt/sand-related block is broken
    Bounty Axe: Has a chance to place a random type of Log when block is broken
    Bounty Shovel: Has a chance to place a random type of Dirt/Sand when block is broken
    Rewarded Pickaxe: Can give a random Potion effect when a Diamond Ore or Emerald Ore has broken: (Effects are from II to IV and 2:00 to 4:00) [Speed, Haste, Strength, Jump Boost, Regeneration, Resistance, Health Boost, Absorption]Lucky Pickaxe: Something luck or unlucky can happen if you break a Ore, Plugin Maker's choice for Lucky and unlucky moments
    Treasure Pickaxe: This pickaxe will turn a stone-related block you break into the closest valuable ore, so if u break Netherrack for example and theres a emerald ore closely, it turns into a Emerald, Emerald is the highest

    /customtools spawn (tool): The new tools added: Lumberjack_Axe, Vein_Pickaxe, Light_Pickaxe, Leaf_Looter Axe, Heart_Pickaxe, Heart_Axe, Heart_Shovel, Saturation_Pickaxe, Saturation_Axe, Saturation_Shovel, Bounty_Axe, Bounty_Shovel, Rewarded_Pickaxe, Lucky_Pickaxe, Treasure_Pickaxe
    More to come

    I hope this plugin will be made, If you made this, please message me down in the comments with the plugin name
  2. Offline


    I shall make this for you :)

    Although I have one question, how are the players getting "money"?
  3. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    yoft Probably the economy from Vault
  4. Offline


    I'll implement that last then :p
  5. Offline


    Well, ingame money. from other plugins such as /balance from Essentials

    Please send a message when its done + the plugin name. (It must be public, not private)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  6. Offline


    Will do :) I'm about to start it, couple of hours max :)
    I'd still like to clarify the money though, you want it to work with the essentials economy?

    Sorry, I just noticed at the top of your first post you said Bounty Shovel but in the descriptions only named the Bounty Pickaxe,, did you want both or just the Pickaxe?
  7. Offline


    Yeah I want to work with the Essentials economy
    yeah its a bit confusing with that description on top, but I only want the Bounty Pickaxe yeah
  8. Offline


    Okay :)
    It's taking a bit longer than expected, want to do it properly :p
  9. Offline


    Okay, please reply if you have any questions or if your done
  10. Offline


    Hey, making good progress so far :) Just thought I'd ask about something.
    Currently I have the command /CustomTools add <smelters|explosive|unbreakable|bounty> Is this okay instead of /customtools spawn (tool)? As an admin command that is. This also allows abilities to be combined

    Don't worry, I implemented both :)

    EDIT 2: Darkman_Bree
    Well that went well!
    It's built for CB 1.7.9-R0.2 and Essentials 2.13.1.
    If you're running something different, let me know and I'll compile it differently :)

    Oops, almost forgot the link.
    Thanks for the nice project, if there's anything not quite right, let me know!
    And there is a lot in the config too, so have fun with it :)
  11. Offline


    CB 1.7.9-Ro.2 + Essentials 2.13.1 is just what I wanted, thanks, and thank you for the plugin, I will send you replies if I know anything for updates, thank you so much!

    Im trying to add the plugin, but it seems not to be on the list of plugins, I think u made it a private plugin

    Im using Freaze Hosting, its a website-server hosting console, can u add it to the Bukkit Plugin List?

    The download worked too, thank you and I found just 1 bug: Fortune Enchantment ain't working with these tools, thanks

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  12. Offline


    Do you mind if i use this plugin
  13. Offline


    Okay, I'll have a look when I get a chance, tied up with stuff right now but I'll let you know :)

    It is public, so go for it :)
  14. Offline


    yoft Thank you it work nicely
  15. Offline


    yoft I found some bugs I want to report about your plugin.

    1. Fortune doesn't work on smelting Iron and Gold
    1.5 Fortune doesn't work on others with Explosive items as well
    2. In Creative Mode, some blocks drops when broken with hand
    3. Obsidian explodes like other blocks, don't fix this one please, I like it :)
    4. Breaking Wood Logs with a Smelters Axe gives Coal instead of Charcoal


    5. Explosions from Explosive Tools does damage

    EDIT 2:

    6. Fortune doesn't work with all tools, even if I did nothing with customtools
    7. Silk Touch doesn't work anymore as well
  16. Offline


    Darkman_Bree rly cool idea I wish I could be coding this now seeing how this is a cool idea, some of it I've seen before though but still cool
  17. Offline


    I knew about 2 after leaving the plugin running on my testing server :p I probably won't get a chance to fix the until next week, but, I"ll say it'll be fixed in 4 days max :p
    I just have an exam in a couple of days :p
  18. Offline


    yoft I made some extra idea's now for the plugin, I hope you add it, and fixing the bugs, its also more than 4 days
  19. Offline


    yoft how can i download this plugin, it looks really awesome would love it if you can send me link :D

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