Custom Marriage Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by NDLMongoose, Feb 14, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Fun, Miscellaneous, Role-playing

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2

    Suggested name: SocialMist

    What I want:
    I'd like to see this plugin have players:
    1. Genders*: Allow the player to set either to a male gender or female gender and to unspecified (Non-Binary). For this, I would also like to let players have the ability to marry the same gender. (male+male) (female+female) (unspecified+unspecified). Also, they should have the ability to marry other genders (male+female) (male+unspecified) (female+unspecified). Make it so that setting your gender is a requirement in order to use /propose <player name>
    2. Priests: In order for a player to get married, they have to let a priest use the command after they get proposed (Engaged). Make it so that whoever is a priest, add a way to let players know which priest is Online or Offline in /priests (Also, make it so if the player has the social.priest, they can access /marry <player1> <player2>)
    3. Marriage Gems: These will be the only way to use the /propose <player name> command. (These will also be needed to let the priest use /marry <player1> <player2> on the players who are engaged.) Make it so that it detects if both players have a marriage gem in their inventory and it is marked <player1> + <player2> "Engaged" in gold text. After the priest has issued the command to marry both players. It will be marked as <player1> + <player2> "Married" in green text. Once both players get Engaged, the marriage gem will be copied from the player who used the command to the player who accepted the proposal. Also, make it so that Marriage Gems are customizable, and that I can create my own marriage gems for players to get engaged and married.
    4. Engagements: once a player has gotten a marriage gem, they will have the ability to use /propose <player name> and /propose accept/deny - Make it so that a marriage gem is required to allow players to use /propose <player name>
    5. Marriage: Players will be able to get married by a priest, they will have access to multiple perks. This includes:
    - Ability to ride on your spouse
    - Ability to kiss your spouse
    - Ability to access a small chest that you can store each other's items in
    - Ability to name your spouse (This will notify if your spouse joined or left the server.)
    Make it so that the two players have to be marked as "Engaged" on both of their marriage gems in order to let the priest marry both players.
    6. Divorces: Players will not have access to use the /divorce <player1> <player2> command. A lawyer with the permission node of will be the only one to use this command. Make it so that whoever is a lawyer, add a way to let players know which lawyer is Online or Offline in /lawyers (Also, make it so if the player has this node, the can access /divorce <player1> <player2>)

    What should be in the files:

    - Make the file code .yml
    - Files for storing players who are Priests, Lawyers, Engaged and Married
    - A file where the Marriage Gems can be customized/created
    - Make it so that it supports by UUID and not the username.
    - Make a setting in the config for polygamy (Multiple marriage partners.)
    (Polygamy will have to go through a lawyer in order for the marriage partners to be approved for multiple marriages.)

    Ideas for commands:
    - Sets the player's gender to "Male" (They have to type it twice to confirm if they really want to set it to Male.)
    /female - Sets the player's gender to "Female" (They have to type it twice to confirm if they really want to set it to Female.)
    /unspecified - Sets the player's gender to "Unspecified" (They have to type it twice to confirm if they really want to set it to Unspecified.)
    /propose <player name> - allows a player to propose
    /propose accept/deny - to accept or deny a proposal
    /priests - Show the list of players who have the social.priest node (Also shows who is online and who is offline)
    /unengage <player1> <player2> - both players will no longer be engaged
    /engagements - Shows the list of players who are engaged
    /marry <player1> <player2> - Lets a priest marry two players after the their marriage gems are marked "Engaged"
    /marriages - Shows the list of players who are married
    /divorce <player1> <player2> - Divorces two married players
    /divorcerequest <description> - Sends a divorce request to a player with the node (Requires the players to be married)
    /lawyers - Shows a list of players with the node (Make the list the same as how /priests works)
    /status <player name> - Shows the status of yourself or a player indicating if you or they are Engaged, Married or neither
    /gender <player name> - Lets the player check what gender another player is before they get married.
    /genderset <player name> male/female/unspecified - Lets admins set other players gender
    /petname <player name> <String> - Lets married players set their spouse's pet names to let them know if their spouse joined or left the server.
    /marry chest - Opens a small chest that holds the same items as each other.

    Ideas for permissions:
    - Node for all of the Commands. (Op)
    - Node for /male (Default)
    - Node for /female (Default)
    - Node for /unspecified (Default)
    - Node for /gender <player name> (Default)
    - Node for /genderset <playername> male/female/unspecified (Op)
    - Node for /propose <player name> (Default)
    - Node for /unengage <player1> <player2> (Op)
    - Node for /propose accept (Default)
    - Node for /propose deny (Default)
    - If a player has this node, this will mark them in /priests (Op)
    - Node for /priests (Default)
    - Node for /marry <player1> <player2> (Op)
    - If a player has this node, this will mark them in /lawyers and lets them receive notifications of players requesting a divorce. (Op)
    - Node for /lawyers (Default)
    - Node for /divorce <player1> <player2> (Op)
    - Node for /petname <player name> <String> (Default)
    - Node for /divorcerequest <description> (Default)
    - If a player has this node, they will be able to receive a notification that two players are requesting a divorce. If a player has the node, they will automatically have access to this node. (Op)
    - If players have this node, they will receive a notification that two players got engaged. (Default)
    - This node will send out a notification that "Father <player name> has married <player1> and <player2>." (Default)
    - Node for /marry chest (Default)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, but you can take your time in trying to make this plugin.

    *Before everyone in the comments below start to go all nuts about the LGBTQ+ Community, then it's best that you should start learning about the difference between the terms: "Sex" and "Gender"
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  2. Offline


    I like this a lot, but won't necessarily ever do it. I will start it though, to see what happens. If anyone else wants to do this, feel free.
  3. Offline


    thank you
  4. Offline


    I'll do it.

    Edit: Something came up and I'll be busy for the next while. If someone else could pick this up, that'd be great.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  5. Offline


    Anyone else willing to make this plugin?
  6. MightyOne likes this.
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    I'd be willing to make this if you elaborated a bit on the gems, still a bit confused. Do you have to have a gem to propose? What happens if a player has a full inventory? Can a player drop a gem?
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