Custom Items used in crafting.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by hubeb, Jul 8, 2013.

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    So, I have searched around only to have no luck in finding a solution. What I am trying to do is make a weapon. my recipe is as follows:

    [T][S][ ]
    [T][ ][S]
    [T][S][ ] 
    Sturdy Bow Recipe:
    T = Custom string Called "Bow String"
    S = Custom stick Called "Bow Frame"

    I want to be able to craft the bow using the custom items. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that.

    *I know how to make recipes (this one is obviously shaped), but I dont know how to make the recipe use my custom items.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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    hubeb Check if the items name == Bow String
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    You need to check in PrepareItemCraftEvent. Check each slot for the itemstack (make sure it's not null), and check if it has item meta, if so if it's X item meta (yours), then do stuff. (set result)
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    Do you mind showing me some generic example code? I cannot seem to get it working.
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    I already gave you the event, try playing around with it for a few hours.
  8. easy way:
    define itemstack with the item you want, lets say sticks.
    get meta data.
    set display name.
    set the meta data.

    in the recipe use the defined itemstack.
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    mollekake In a recipe you can only use Materials, not ItemStacks.
  11. Ah. I thought i had already done that with my own plugin, but i was working on the same thing as this fella. Anyway, the PrepareItemCraftEvent is the right way to go. A bit tricky but i got it to work! Fun stuff!
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