Cross Sharing ArrayLists or Strings

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AKMiner98, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I want to edit a String or a ArrayList across 2 different classes. I have searched a little and found nothing, any suggestions?
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    Learn java?
  3. Offline


    I am self teaching myself Java. And like I have said, I searched on how to do it. I posted this to get help, not for you to say some stupid remark.
  4. Offline


    I mean what I say when I say learn java. What you need to understand are some of the fundamental concepts of java to share it across classes. Sorry, i am in a bad mood, i truly didn't mean to come off in a rude way.

    You can probably just use static fields/methods, or alternatively you can just keep an instance of the second class and make calls to.that when necessary
  5. Offline


    Eww no static. Reference the instance of the class containing the list and modify that way.

    And you clearly need to learn the concept of objects then. Its fundamental
  6. Offline


    Moved to plugin development.
  7. Offline


    I think I saw this on a youtube video once... Might help to check there
  8. Offline


    I like to use a static getInstance and it returns the instance:
    2. public class Class {
    4. private Class() {}
    6. static Class instance = new Class();
    8. public static Class getInstance() {
    9. return instance;
    10. }
    12. public void addToList(Player p) {
    13. list.add(p.getName());
    14. }
    16. // other methods
    17. }

    Then just do Class.getInstance().addToList(player);
  9. Offline


    Remember to set instance to null when you're done using it; e.g onDisable, or else you'll have some memory leaks.
  10. Offline


    this is probably the worst form a singleton can take. (edit im being tired, and not mentioning some important things). default modifier != private. However plugins have very rare usages for singletons
  11. Offline


    Yea I know, I don't use it often, I like to do it like this:
    2. public class Class {
    4. private static volatile Class instance = null;
    6. private Class() {}
    8. public static Class getInstance() {
    9. if (instance == null) {
    10. synchronized (Class.class) {
    11. if (instance == null) {
    12. instance = new Class();
    13. }
    14. }
    15. }
    16. return instance;
    17. }
    18. }

    Learned it a long time ago, have been using it ever since for Manager classes and such.
  12. Offline


    But you don't always use a double lock. It very depends on what your class is used for, after the intial singleton usage determination. Sometimes making an early binding is useful, but not often. Most times a singleton is useless or bad practice.

    Do you know why the double locking and synchronization exists?
  13. Offline


    Ehem, me...

    Also, you're using some big terms there, mind explaining "double-locking"? I vaguely understand synchronization and synchronized(...) but do explain that too.
  14. Offline


    "Synchronized methods enable a simple strategy for preventing thread interference and memory consistency errors."

    But now that I'm looking at the code, I'm starting to realize that I probably should remove the double checked locking, since threads A and B are trying to assign memory space to instance, which is going to cause B to fail because it is using a partially constructed version of instance.
  15. Offline


    No you need to keep the double lock if you're going to use a late binding for the singleton. Otherwise you can cause multi-threading problems. Theres a reason why its there.

    Double locking is simply short term for double checked locking optimization. For the snippet it refers to the 2 checks for null, one non-synced, the other synced.
  16. Offline


    And synchronized? What exactly does it do?
  17. Offline


    You mean the keyword? or synchronization in general?
  18. Offline


    If you could explain both that would be fine
  19. Offline


    In simpler terms, synchronization is used to prevent errors when multiple threads access the same fields and or objects. It pauses access till the first thread is finished, then continues the rest of the threads one by one. The word synchronized is to declare a method or statement synchronized (also deciding where the lock comes from).

    A simple example would be have 2 threads run and edit a single field accordingly, without synchronization, and a second time with synchronization.

    Note: This is a simplified explanation. IF you wish to learn more and how you can appropriately apply synchronization, lookup concurrency.
  20. Offline


    Adding onto that, there is a another keyword in Java relating to concurrency called "volatile." Applying the modifier to fields will ensure that all Threads will receive up-to-date values on that field. Not using that keyword on a field with multiple Threads reading/modifying it may result in getting a cached value.
  21. Offline


    The_Doctor_123 Yeah thanks. When simplifying I tend to leave some things out. There's also atomic variables, but that's for another discussion.
  22. Offline


    :confused: Learn something new every day.. never heard of these "atomic variables." Although, I'd rather use synchronized and volatile in combination than this thing you're talking about.
  23. Offline


    Real simple explanation of Atomic Variables. They minimize synchronization to prevent errors. However using most primitive variables or declaring variables volatile also creates atomic access. It delves deeper into concurrency.
  24. Offline


    I know, I looked at the JavaDocs. It would just seem like your code would be easier to read by making methods synchronized and fields volatile. Just a preference, I suppose. Not sure if there's any performance gain, however.
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