Solved Creating a new block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SoulVX, Jul 15, 2016.

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    For this exaple, I want to create a furnace-type block, with different texture, but with almost the same utility : use something as a resource and get something as a result, without fuel but with a longer waiting time.
    Any ideas how?
    P.S : You can use advanced concepts to explain me how to do this, I am not really a beginner :) Also, if you have some documentation, please post it!
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    If you arent really a beginner, you should have known that giving a different texture is not possible. What you are looking for is a modification, not a plugin.
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    I know it is possible with a mod , but I was wandering if it is possible to do this with Bukkit .
  4. @SoulVX No. Not possible. You can do it with heads, not blocks.
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    Yup, not possible unfortunately. You're looking for Forge to create a mod.
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