
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GravedigginSearchBar, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Plugin category: MISC

    Suggested name: CrazyTrade

    What I want: I'd, like to see a plugin, that allows people to trade with each other, by using commands and without a CHEST GUI, this, makes scamming less harder and, making trading easier and cooler. I have some examples of the trade plugin, i'm looking for.
    commands ^

    notifications, that the trader sends to the person wanting the trade.

    and after, the trade, as an example, i traded it for $0 and got $0's back. And i hope it allow people to dupe.

    And i hope, it will allow to trade, high enchantments as well, like efficiency 50 and 250 unbreaking.. etc..
    It's a real intresting plugin, that i hope i could have for my server, so i can prevent scamming.

    Ideas for commands: /trade, /trade accept, /trade, cancel, /trade deny, /trade <username> <$>.

    Ideas for permissions: <will give permissions to all the commands, above>

    When I'd like it by: Anytime.. really.
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    Xplosion 2002

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    "makes scamming less harder"

    So you want scammers?
  4. Well, indeed, i don't want to not allow scammers join my server? I let everyone, either, griefer, hacker, etc.. but if they abuse their hacks, they will get punished, and i can't punish a scammer, all i could do is warn, and i'm not always on 24/7, as my server will be turning 24/7.

    That plugin, doesn't allow enchantments on weapons.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You could request it
  6. I believe the Developer, is inactive, he hasn't been on since July 5th, 2013.

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  8. Okay thanks :)
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  10. Okay, just update me, or else i'll lose track of time :)
  11. Bump, Whats your progress on this calebbfmv?
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