
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Nano1778, Mar 16, 2016.

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    Hey guys I need a plugin that drops crates into the world. I know that there are many "Crates" plugins out there but I can't find one that does what I want it to do. What I want it to do is that it will say in chat that a normal-legendary crate has just been dropped at (coords) and the crate would be filled with whatever I config it to be filled with. So a normal crate would be filled with lower items while a legendary crate would be filled with better items. I should also be able config how far away from the origin point (0,0) it can be (like up to 5000 blocks away) or in the world border.

    If there is a plugin out there that does this please let me know or if someone could develop it for me! Thanks!
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