Problem/Bug CratePlus config

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by CrazahGurl_, Jan 7, 2019.

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    Hello there, I need some help with my CratesPlus plugin. I have made crates and I want to put color on the name of the crate(at the HD) but by config. I know the command /crates settings but when I go to colors it doesn't work for me so I wanted to do it by the config. Here's my config:
    - '&c%crate% Crate'
    - Right-Click to Open!
    - Left-Click to Preview!
      Name: '%type% Crate Key'
      Enchanted: true
      Knockback: 2.0
      Broadcast: true
      Firework: true
      Preview: true
      Block: CHEST
      Color: WHITE
    I have added '&c' color on %crate& Crate and still doesn't work. I reloaded my server and restarted too. Anyone help ?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2019
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @CrazahGurl_ Did you try to contact the developer of the plugin?
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