Crafting Recipe Blocker

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by LolCam12, Apr 15, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Bukkit

    Minecraft version: 1.8-1.8.9

    Suggested name: CraftingRecipeBlocker

    What I would like: I would like a plugin that can block specific crafting recipes. A config to add/remove, crafting recipes.

    Ideas for permissions: CraftingRecipeBlocker.*

    Ideas for commands: /craftlist (If it takes a lot of time then don't do it, otherwise it just shows a list of all recipes that are blocked) | /craftbuypass (staff cam bypass the blocked items) |

    When I'd like it by: A week
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
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    So this just blocks the crafting of certain items?
    What does the permission do? Does it allow blocked items to be crafted?
    I'll give this a go when you answer those questions!
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    Yes, just blocks crafting recipes
    It's not needed. (Maybe a bypass command instead) Permission Not needed
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
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    @Gosintary Hey, have you started on the plugin?
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    I have. I'm almost done, didn't work the past two days cause EOC exams
  6. Offline


    Anti crafting already exists...
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    It's Fine. @Gosintary Tests are more important, so pass them...
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