Craftbukkit basic server help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mcflurrybaby, Dec 21, 2019.

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    Hello everyone! I'm planning to deploy a private 1.15 server for me and my friends to play, but we won't mind if anyone else will join
    My questions are:
    1. Which plugins should I use for better performance? We had some issues on 1.14 and don't want them to ruin game experience again
    2. Which are the best plugins for security? Anti cheats/hacks
    3. Are there any useful to have plugins? We'll have a vanilla Minecraft server without any game modifications
    4. Previously I used a DigitalOcean VPS with 8GB of ram and 4 vCPUs, but from my diagnostics I saw that 5.5GB of ram allocated was working best and only one of cpu cores was used. I'm wondering if that's because of Minecraft limitations or if I configured something wrong. My question is what the best config for 10-20 players maybe there are some good servers out there?
    Sorry if some of questions are dumb/already been asked, and thanks in advance for your responses
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mcflurrybaby 1. Every plugin that you add will decrease performance, that is just how it 2orks.
    3. If it is vanilla then probably worldguard and call it a day.
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    4.Minecraft only needs RAM! The processor it uses is not particularly=)
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