[Count] Signs

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Saran, Sep 1, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Informational

    Minecraft version: 1.12

    Suggested name: Counting Signs

    What I want:
    Ability to display amount of items with chosen ID that are in chest (and optionally in other containers as an expansion - dispensers, furnaces, etc) on a sign.
    2. Option to specify ID that can lower displayed amount (each item by 1) (evil items).
    3. Amount of needed items - if chest has x items in it, then sign changes first line color from red to green, and sends redstone signal.

    Sign lines example:
    1. [Count] (changes to current amount of items after sign is placed. Displays as green text if it's bigger or equal to amount specified in 4th line, or as red text if it isn't)
    2. 1 (ID) (changes to item name (i.e. "&aStone") after sign is placed)
    3. 2 (Counter-ID) (same as above, but &4 instead of &a (red string) (if left empty there's no counter id)
    4. Amount of items needed (if 0 then sign sends signal always) (there could be possibility to set if this property is shown on sign after placing)

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: countsigns.place. If set to true then player can place counting signs.

    When I'd like it by: No time limit.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
  2. Offline


    I have to do some stuff today and maybe tomorrow, but I'm down to work on it after. But just to recap exactly what you're looking for.

    Place a sign on a chest(or other storage unit)
    It says
    [Count](gets replaced with amount of item in the chest based on id below, default color is green)
    [ID](Item id)
    [Counter-ID](Reduces count by how much of Counter-ID is in there)
    [# of items needed](I'm a little confused by this part. So it defaults to 0 if line is left empty, but otherwise the chest would require this much of the ID before Count changes from red to green. I think i got that right, not sure what you mean by "sign sends signal always")
    Saran likes this.
  3. Offline


    Yeah, you got it mostly.

    About the last part nevermind, as I think now it wouldn't be useful.

    I meant thit signal:

    Yes, also if left empty there's no counter id. (added to the first post)

    Awesome that you can make this :)
    Such plugin will add lots of possibilities for events and similar things.
  4. Offline


    OH I totally somehow missed that part, uhhh, I've never messed with redstone in plugins before, but I'm sure I can get that figured out.

    Would you want it to power all redstone around the chest, or the sign as well?
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
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    I have no idea, but around chest should be enough.
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