"Could not create Java Virtual Machine"

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FL-Live Studios, Jun 24, 2011.

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    FL-Live Studios

    I always startet bukkit with 1536M RAM (Maximum Java-RAM for WindowsXP 32-bit). Since a few days the maximum RAM is only 512M. That is not enough for a 7-10 Slot Homeserver. I have to start Minecraft itself with a *.bat since bukkit did not work, too.
    [Don't ask for my RAM: I have enough!]

    Error Message:
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    Ya you may think you have enough ram but it may be in use. On average up to 1.5 gigs can easily be in use meanning that you would have to have over 3Gigs of Ram. So I have to ask how much ram do you have? Can you open say task manager and see where ram is being allocated?
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    FL-Live Studios

    I habe got 2,00GB RAM. Allocated RAM is 1,79GB.
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