Copying 64 Chunks (FAST)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by curlip, Apr 16, 2015.

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    Hello Curlip Here,

    I am having more trouble copying a large area (8x8 chunks (4,194,304 blocks if my math is right)). I have been using the CuboidUtil and Block.setType() method which currently isn't cutting it. (Lag, Slow, and Crashes the server)

    Can you help me fix/speed this up, because its a command for the general user.

    My Other Thread

    And my Code:

    Location playerloc = player.getLocation();
                    World currentWorld = playerloc.getWorld();
                    World tempWorld = this.getServer().createWorld(new WorldCreator(player.getName() + "temp").environment(currentWorld.getEnvironment()).generator(new EmptyGenerator()));
                    Cuboid cube = new Cuboid(new Location(currentWorld, playerloc.getBlockX() - (16 * 4), 0, playerloc.getBlockZ() - (16 * 4)), 
                            new Location(currentWorld, playerloc.getBlockX() + (16 * 4), currentWorld.getMaxHeight(), playerloc.getBlockZ() + (16 * 4)));
                    for(Block block : cube){
                        Location getloc = block.getLocation();
                        Location setloc = new Location(
                                (double) getloc.getBlockX() - playerloc.getBlockX(),
                                (double) getloc.getBlockY(),
                                (double) getloc.getBlockZ() - playerloc.getBlockZ());
                    player.teleport(new Location(tempWorld, 0, playerloc.getY() + 3, 0));
    Thanks Curlip.
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    @curlip Please wait At least 24 hours before bumping.
    If i understand correctly, you want to get a 8x8 area based on a center point? if so it wont be perfectly aligned since mid point of 8 is 3.5 so... it will be 4 to one side and 3 to the other.... (Note: i am thinking based on X,Y,Z axis) the thing changes if you want to select a region starting from point N ending to point Ω so it would be in the concepts of WorldEdit, a nested loop that will loop through the dismentions :p
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    @mine-care I need to copy an area of 8x8 chunks in which case it is a very large area and simply looping through the area is insufficient.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
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    Why do you need to copy so many blocks? There's likely a much faster way to do this.
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    @mythbusterma I need to copy this many blocks so the user can edit an area undisturbed.
    This are would be copied to an empty world.

    What are you recommendations, I could probably go back to 5 or six chunks in each direction.
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    I know WorldEdit uses a form of "fast edit" where lighting isn't done until all blocks are copied, I suggest you take a look at that.
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    @Lolmewn I'm trying to use WorldEdit but is seaming very complicated and difficult to understand. I also don't know where to find the Source code, I do have it loaded into eclipse.
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    @curlip You can find it here: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted bit url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2017
    RawCode likes this.
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    @Lolmewn Thank you (I think... )

    I couldn't find anything on the subject blocks with WorldEdit so I began searching through the code, I also cannot find the code WorldEdit uses to copy blocks.

    Any ideas anyone?
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    @curlip possibly you could just log all the changes made by a user and undo them individually at the end, so your not undoing the whole 8x8 chunks and just the number of blocks the player editted
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    @JUSTCAMH I am not undoing the changes, this will be the area the original player builds in.
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    Well then spread the changes over multiple ticks, so as not to bog down the server.
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    dont copy "chunks" copy internal blockdata arrays
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    Because that won't have disastrous side effects....
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    Why no copy the world? Simply copy and paste and you have the copy of this world
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    @bohafr Then the user would be able to edit the entire world.
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