CoinBattle Minigame

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xMDK, Jan 27, 2014.

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    NOTE: I realize that this game would be extremely hard to make. If this is too much just tell me! :)

    Plugin category: FUN

    Suggested name: CoinBattle

    What I want:
    A minigame kind of like the MarioKart game "coin battle" but with no cars. Players spawn across the map with speed II and a stone pick axe with efficiency. There are emerald ores spawned across the map and the players mine the emerald with the pick axe and earn emeralds. That then goes into their inventory, along with the teams total score. However when a player dies, (by opposing team killing them with the pick axe) their emeralds drop and are picked up by the killer, adding those diamonds now to the opposing teams total. Ores respawn every minute and the game lasts 5 minutes recommended. (Could be changed in the config). The team with the most diamonds at the end of the time period wins. ( this May be confusing so just ask if you are confused :)

    Admins or people with the perm "cb.createarena" make the arenas first by using the /cb createarena <arena name> command and then uses the other four commands, /cb setlobby <arena name>, /cb setarenaspawn next, in any order they want. The arena's won't be usable until they do /cb finish <arena name>. Then they will make a Join Sign like this:
    LINE 1: [CoinBattle]
    LINE 2: <arena name>
    LINE 3:
    LINE 4:
    but when then once the sign is made it will update to:
    LINE 1: [CoinBattle]
    LINE 2: <arena name>
    LINE 3: #players/max players
    LINE 4:
    the line 3 will check if the arena is in game or not and will either allow players to join or not and line four will check for how many players out of the max number of players allowed in one round are in(the max number will be changeable in the config and the signs will update themselves if the number is changed).

    Playing the Game:
    When players join the game they will be sent to the lobby until the minimum number of players needed for the game(minimum number changeable in config) is reached. Then the players will be warped to their spawn slot. They will spawn with a god pick axe that mines instantly.
    Configurable things in the config:
    Max player limit
    Min player limit
    Time limit per game

    Ideas for commands:
    /cb createarna <arena name> - creates a custom config for that arena in the plugins data folder/arenas/<arenaname>.yml
    /cb setlobby <arena name> - creates the warp location the players go to till the game starts. Sets the location where you are standing and saves the coords to that arenas.yml file under the "lobby." section
    /cb setspawn <blue/red> - sets the spawn point for both teams when the game starts. Sets the location to where you are standing and saves the coords to that arenas.yml file under the section """"

    Ideas for permissions:
    Cb.*- gives use to all coin battle commands
    cb.createarena - to allow use of /cb createarena <arena name>, /cb setlobby <arena name>, /cb setspawn <blue/red>
    Cb.join - to be able to join the arenas

    When I'd like it by: ASAP!

    If you have any questions just ask! Thanks!


  2. Offline


    I like this idea. But maybe instead of diamonds, use emeralds. That way, a player can be given a stone pickaxe at the beginning, so pvp battles take longer.
  3. Offline


    I like that idea! Thanks for the comment. I edited it!
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    The Fancy Whale

    Good idea but a lot of work so I don't think many people would do this for free.

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