Climbing Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Okinaru, Jun 21, 2017.

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    Plugin category:

    Minecraft version:

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    I want a plugin that allows players to climb certain blocks (Configurable), and when players climb those blocks I want them to get Hunger 3 for 2 seconds (looping over and over again until they stop climbing.)

    I however do not want ladders to do the same. If a player is climbing a ladder I don't want the players to have any effects on them.

    Ideas for commands:
    /climb reload - [Default OP]

    Ideas for permissions:
    No permissions needed for this plugin

    When I'd like it by:
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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
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    You can climb more than just one block right? Also how do I even add this to the server? lol
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    Machine Maker

    Click on the releases tab (in between the branches tab and the contributors tab) if you can find the button. Here's the direct link.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I forgot to mention a few things, and a few things I'd like to be fixed for this:

    If you can it'd be great if players didn't start climbing when they are 1 block away from the block and rather touching it, kind of like how ladders or vines work.

    I also need the ability to climb more than just 1 type of block.

    and finally I need this to be disabled in some worlds/regions made from WorldGuard.

    EDIT: I KEEP FORGETTING THINGS. I also need players to lose the ability to climb when they have no more hunger.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
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    I'll implement what you need, might be a bit late because I'm busy this week.

    ** I'm not a fan of PlayerMoveEvent (event that is needed here) since it can cause lag to your server. I'm just telling you :)
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    Aren't there any alternatives that work almost exactly the same?
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