Plugin Request Clash Of Clans Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by SkyJake, Jul 21, 2014.

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    @crolemol what about an earlier release without 1.8 support yet?
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    I can't go back to 1.7.10 because i want to use many features of 1.8. don't worry about it :D
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives.
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    @crolemol how exactly will the gameplay work out? through the past six pages, its not really clear how it will work in the final version. Btw, will this be released to bukkit dev, or just a dropbox link or something? And can I have an estimated finish time? thanks :)
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    Gameplay: You can walk through your village and just click on a building to select it. Moving it around was never easier before, The building will follow your cursor and just click where you want to have it. Clans are under development so not sure how it will look and the raiding is just the same as in coc :p
    BukkitDev: maybe, maybe spigot because I still don't see any new plugins on dev.bukkit
    Finish time: really not sure

    Edit : @timtower Why is it moved? it is a plugin request right?
  6. Offline


    Ok thanks for letting me know
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    With loads of support for 1.8 yes. Henge the "plugin request" prefix.
  8. Offline


    ok but in that case the plugin request section is going to die because all the plugins will update to 1.8...
    it can take a while but they will update
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @crolemol Just doing what people told me to do.
    crolemol and mrCookieSlime like this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @SkyJake You do realize that I never did anything with the plugin right?
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    still working in it :p it would help if somebody updates the inputguiAPI in the resource section because i can't do it because i don't understand it and raiding is 30% fixed again.
    and indeed timtower didn't do anything for this plugin except of giving good advise :p
  13. Offline


    Ohh I thought you were helping @crolemol

    Ok thanks for letting me know. So it will probally be released in 1 week - 1 month?

    Also says that inputguiAPI is abandon

    Attached Files:

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    @SkyJake timtower is a moderator :/ but he helps out a lot in threads

    if you own a clash of clans server that is already public, why do you need this plugin?

    <Edited by bwfcwalshy: Merged posts, please use the edit button rather than double posting.>

    @ClashOfClansLover101 isn't the plugin going to be public?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  15. @Rockdude_ It will have to be due to private plugins not being allowed on Bukkit.
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    I think a month will be an ultimate release date so if nothing goes wrong it will be done
    and there is an thread on the forums in Plugin Development => Resources and there is an 1.7.9 version of the api so it is still pretty up-to-date

    plugin is going beta on his server and we will see where it will be hosted after that

    <Edited by bwfcwalshy: Merged posts, please use the edit button rather than double posting.>
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2014
  17. Offline


  18. LOL :D Im pretty sure you cant do that ;)
    The only way that would be possible, if they had a texture pack :p
  19. Offline


    not completely... my final build has to be public but as long as my plugin is not finished i can test it everywhere i want.
    but you can come on the server when the beta is out and you can test it yourself and make a review for me so i know what you guys want

    @ClashOfClansLover101 please don't quote post which have 3 pages of discussing comments
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
  20. @crolemol lol ok :p was just reading through everything and saw that :D
  21. Offline


    @ClashOfClansLover101 Remember when I got on the testing server and asked if I could invite my friend and you guys said yes and then he kept going to restricted areas so you took me off the whitelist. Well @crolemol said I could test it when it was open to VIP so can I be whitelisted on your server?
  22. @SkyJake You will be given VIP+ as you were the idea suggester, I will do it once I am back from my trip (Going to Paris =D)
  23. Offline


    as i already said everybody is going to enjoy this plugin and the beta will be available soon. I just don't want to show you all the awesome stuff because then it will not be a big surprise when we release it. When @ClashOfClansLover101 is back his server will be used to open a semi-public beta release (only for you guys and vips) and i am sure everybody is going to love it and if not you can ask us to change something :p
  24. Offline


    Ok thx and have fun in Paris!

    Ok just wondering.
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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  27. Offline


    I just read through all 7 pages xD

    I'm really excited for when the plugin comes out ;)
  28. @SkyJake Yes ok sure, I will do now
  29. Offline


    It still says that I am not whitelisted
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