Clan Wars

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by iceblue1188, Apr 13, 2016.

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    I basically want a plugin that makes it so you can create a clan, invite people, and take over capture points in the world. Im going to list commands, what they should do, and permissions. I need this plugin asap. If anyone has free time and can do this, please do so. Thank you for your help!

    Commands 1-5B share the same permission: clan.user
    1. /ccreate <clan name>
    Info: Creates a new clan. Max characters in a name should only be 12.
    Message to creator of the clan: &a&l(!) Created a new clan!
    Message if person tries to create a clan with the name taken: &c&l(!) Name is taken! Try again.
    Message if person tries to create a clan while in a clan: &c&l(!) You are already in a clan!

    2. /cinvite <username>
    Info: Invites user to clan. Only clan leader can do this.
    Message if the clan invitation goes through: &a&l(!) Invited (username)!
    Message if there is an error (user is offline, doesn't exist, etc): &c&l(!) Error!
    Message to user if invited to a clan: &a&l(!) You have been invited to (clan name)!

    For the setranks, there is no prefix or suffix. Its just a rank that give people access to some settings in the clan.
    3. /csetrank <username> member
    Info: The rank in the clan that people start as. If someone was promoted to a higher rank in the clan, and they were to get demoted, they will type this.
    Message to all clan members: &a&l(!) (Username) has been set as member!

    3B. /csetrank <username> admin
    Info: The second highest rank in the clan. Has access to setting the clan home and kicking people from the clan. (Explained below.)
    Message to all clan members: &a&l(!) (Username) has been set as admin!

    3C. /csetrank <username> leader
    Info: Leader of the clan. Can disband or kick members. Also has access to inviting players and using the setrank command.
    Message to all clan members: &a&l(!) (player who got leader) replaced (leader before new leader) as the leader!

    4. /ckick <username>
    Info: Kicks player from the clan. Only leader and admin of the clan has this. Leaders and admins cannot be kicked.
    Message to all clan members: &c&l(!) (username) kicked from clan!
    Message to user kicked: &c&l(!) You have been kicked from the clan!

    4B. /cleave
    Info: Leaves the clan.
    Message to all clan members: &c&l(!) (username) left the clan!
    Message to user who left: &a&l(!) You have left the clan!

    5. /csethome
    Info: Sets the home for the clan! Only admins and leaders of the clan have this.
    Message to user who set the home: &a&l(!) Home set!

    5B. /chome
    Info: User can't move for 4 seconds unless teleport cancels. Sends player to clans home.
    Message once user enters: &a&l(!) Do not move for 4 seconds!
    Message if user moves: &c&l(!) TP Canceled! You moved!
    Message once user teleports: &a&l(!) TP Commencing!

    Control points: Around the map, there are control points. To set one up, operators can type this command:
    /cp create <name> <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>
    For an operator to delete a control point, type /cp delete <name>

    Then, once a clan member stands on dark prismarine in the cords, they take over the control point., they take over a monument. Any white wool in that area turns to their clan block, which will be explained below. At least 4 clan members must be standing in the control point to take it over. No matter what, you cannot build or break anywhere in a control point, but pVp is enabled, and if you are apart of the clan who has the control point claimed, you can open anvils, chests, enchantmentables, enderchests, crafting tables, and furnaces. If you re not, then you cannot open them, unless the control point isn't claimed by anyone. If you are apart of the clan with the control point claimed, you can place and break blocks in the control point, but you can't break blocks that were there when the operator set that control point. Your starting clan block is dirt. So if you don't change it before you capture a point, the wool changes to dirt. If you change it while you have a point captured, it will update. You have to stand on a control point for 16 seconds with 4 clan members in order to capture it. If one steps off before 16 seconds are up, it stops the capture and goes back to a unclaimed one. To take one over, you need 5 clan members to stand on one for 24 seconds. If one steps off, then it goes back to the other clan. You can only have up to one waypoint at once. If you try to get another one, it won't work. To unclaim a waypoint, it either has to be taken or the owner of the clan types this: (/cunclaim <name>). To set a clan block, you type this:
    /cblock <block>
    For block, you can just make it id. So if you type 17, it would be wood. If you type 35:1, it would be orange wool, etc. Also, it doesn't matter if it does not support 1.9 blocks. Also, only clan leaders can use this command. The permission should go along with clan.user.
    When a clan takes a capture: &a&l(!) <Clan> captured <point>!
    When leader of clan unclaims capture, global chat gets: &a&l(!) <Clan> unclaimed <point>!
    When you stand in another claim area when you already have a claim: &c&l(!) Your clan already has a claim!

    Just to make things clear, the only perm is clan.user. This means people can use every part of the plugin besides making control points. However, when your in a clan, some settings are taken away, as said above. If someone tries to use a command like /cblock <block> or /chome without being in a clan, a message like this would come up: &c&l(!) Error!

    Once again, thank you for all of your help, if you decide to help me out!
    If you need anything or more information, please respond.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
  2. Offline


    Bump - I really need this.
    It has been 24 hours.
  3. Offline


    Bump - Please, can anyone help?
    It has been 48 hours since original post went live.
    Even a reply would be appreciated! :D
  4. Offline


    Bump - Really need someone to help me :/
    It has been 72 hours since original post went live.
    Like yesterday, even a reply would be appreciated.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iceblue1188 You are asking for a big plugin that takes a decent amount of time to make.
    Not everybody is willing to spend that amount.
  6. Offline


    True, but I saw some people in the passed get help from even bigger plugins.
  7. Offline


    Bump - It has been over 4 days since I requested this. Please, anyone help!
  8. Offline


    Bump - It has been 6 days since I requested tis. Please, anyone help!
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