Citizens2 Addon Thing Mabob (Nice Name)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bjsnow, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: NPC, RPG

    Suggested name: Survivors

    What I want: The Idea Is Very Simple Npcs That Build, Gather Resources and Work like Players would.

    The Plugin Would Be Obviously Powered By Citizens2. NPCS Will Spawn In The World and Start Gathering Resources and Building Their Homes, Once Completed They Will Start Mining Expanding Their House and Making Farms Or If 2 Npcs are in a radius of 30 Blocks from Each other they will interact and Either band together and start creating a village or become instant enemies.

    The Village Will Be Worked On By Those Two NPCS and If They Are Male and Female They will create a Child that child will grow up into a Normal npc and start working on the village.
    Back to the village it will have many different building types such as Blacksmiths, Armories, Slaughter houses and Can be Loaded into a folder as a schematic so the NPC Can Load them and Define which one the village needs the most and Then will gather resources for the build. The Village can get a reputation and More Npcs Could Move their and start expanding the village even further.

    (Villagers Can Have Traits and Jobs)
    Villager Traits:
    Traits Can Vary For Each Unique NPC
    - Absent Minded
    - Artistic
    - Bookworm
    - Un-Artistic
    - Excitable
    - Genius
    - Green-Thumb
    - Handy
    - Insane
    - Natural Cook
    - Brave
    - Clumsy
    - Couch-Potato
    - Coward
    - Lucky
    - Neat
    - Slob
    - Unlucky
    - Charismatic
    - Easily Impressed
    - Flirty
    - Friendly
    - Good Sense Of Humour
    - Great Kisser
    - Grumpy
    - Hopeless
    - Inappropriate
    - Loner
    - Loser
    - Mooch
    - Pary Animal
    - Snob
    - Shy
    - Vain
    - Ambitious
    - Angler
    - Childish
    - Daredevil
    - Evil
    - Frugal
    - Good
    - Hot-Headed
    - Perfectionist
    - Vegetarian
    - Workaholic
    All These Traits Can Affect The NPC Itself and Other NPCs.


    Wood Cutter - Cutting down trees and replacing any tree with saplings that fall.

    Miner - Starts a Mine-Shaft Makes It Neat and Then Starts Mining

    Farmer - Finds Grass To Obtain Seeds and Then Starts a Small Farm and Has The Village Expands the More the Farm will need to

    Crafter - Crafts items and stores them in chests for the Others Npcs who Need Items. There would be Different Types Of Crafters Like Blacksmiths and Carpenters

    Cook - Cooks food using supplies the farmer and hunter gather.

    Hunter - Hunts for animals, then brings back meat to the cook.

    This Would Be a MAJOR Project Requiring alot Of Programming, Testing and general Hard work and Im terrible at Programming Thats why I need Your Help

    When I'd like it by: Even To Make this the Sly bit possible would be Awesome
  2. Offline


    Most Of This Is Not Possible Or Remotely Feasible.
  3. Offline


    Why is that?
  4. Offline


    That was supposed to be practical. It's late and I'm tired, and a bit delusional.

    It's not practical because you're most likely just not going to find someone who is willing to code fifty NPC personalities that affect aspects of their life.

    Here's a beautiful quote:
    Now that quote was for a plugin that just makes NPC's build/interact, not have differing personality traits. :3

    ... Ok, looking at that post, the OP just retyped parts of this.

    Well, bjsnow, given that you must have already read that thread, I'm sure you read the comments, so there's not really a need to post the same idea.
  5. Offline


    Yea but it is possible and feasible, just not realistic ;) I guess you could come up with a base NPC class and then assign points for personalities, and use an algorithim to calculate interactions... but yea, lots of work indeed :p
  6. Offline


    ...I don't consider this task easy...

    1. Possible to do easily or conveniently.
    2. Likely; probable.
  7. Offline


    I didn't say or infer I didn't know what Feasible meant or did I say that it was easy.. I think it's time for bed np b4 you insult someone who you don't want to ^_^
  8. Offline


    These two statements don't align:
    If you don't know what something means, Google it! Use the search bar... Tehe. ;)
  9. Offline


    I guess I can rephrase it: This plugin request is possible and feasible, but it would take lots of work to accomplish.

    Now tell me they don't work... :p

    Edit: It would be using definition 2
  10. Offline


    The good news is.

    With the combos already existing in Citizen + Denizen + Builder this whole idea (and others like it) are not so far off as you'd imagine

    The more i thought about the last request like this
    The more i thought that you can already make an npc who...

    • Randomly wanders while periodicly recreating his center point so that he ambles throughout the world (brownian motion)
    • Breaks random blocks to simulate "collecting" (builder npc who pastes a schematic of Air)
    • Randomly decides to build houses (from world edit schematics) which you could list and then random from.
    Sure the npcs are gunna spend most of their lives stuck in pitfalls and dieing in caves they cant get out of but hey they're super expendable

    I have a ton of denizen script ideas on my mind to work on sooooo. Highly possible i'l at least give this a try.

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