Citizens 2 Settings skin clientside?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Wonderer, Mar 29, 2017.

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    Id like to use the Citizens 2 API. I want player1 to see his own skin on the NPC. I want player2 to see his own skin on the npc at the same time (not seeing player1 skin) how would i go about doing this?

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    Packets. You would need to override the packets sent by Citizens 2 and replace the UUID for the npc with the player's UUID.
  3. Offline


    @Zombie_Striker how would I do that? What packet? How to use said packet?
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    Use ProtocolLib. Create a listener for the PlayerSpawn packet. If the UUID that is being sent is equal to the one from Citizens (You can check this by making sure PlayerJoinEvent has not detected the UUID), change that field so it is equal to the UUID of the player it is being sent to.
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