Checking if a player has permission for a command?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JPG2000, Apr 23, 2015.

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    I am wondering how to check if a player has permission for a command. Obviously I can use the hasPermission method, however I want to check if a player has permission for a command, not a permission. Because I don't know every permission for every command, and I want to do something special when a player doesn't have permission for any command.

    Do you guys have any ideas? I'm stuck
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    @JPG2000 seeing as there is the hasPermission method, it's next to impossible without other modifications. The only way to see what permission a command has is through the plugin yml. Plugins don't even have to use it though. They can just use the hasPermission method.
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    Your totally right, I never thought of it that way. Thanks for your input.
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    teej107 and Rocoty like this.
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    Totally forgot about getting registered permissions that way :p
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