Chatbukkit and Scrapbukkit Explainations

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ValBGaming, May 20, 2011.

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    Today I was wondering what the chatbukkit and scrapbukkit jars were in my bukkit plugins folder, so I looked for an answer on the Bukkit Forums, but to no avail. So I opened up the jars with WinRar and looked at the Plugin.yml files, and have brought those who wonder what they do an explaination.

    name: ScrapBukkit
    main: com.dinnerbone.bukkit.scrap.ScrapBukkit
    version: 0.2.1
    author: The Bukkit Team
    description: >
                 Miscellaneous administrative commands for Bukkit.
                 This plugin is one of the default plugins shipped with Bukkit.
        description: Clears your own or a player's inventory.
        usage: |
               /<command> [player]
               Example: /<command> - clears your own inventory.
               Example: /<command> Bukkit - clears Bukkit's inventory.
        description: Gives yourself or someone else items. Supports item IDs or names.
        usage: |
               /<command> item[:data] [amount] [player]
               Example: /<command> 2 - gives you 1 grass.
               Example: /<command> 2 20 - gives you 20 grass.
               Example: /<command> 2 -1 - gives you unlimited grass.
               Example: /<command> 2 64 Bukkit - gives a player named Bukkit 64 grass.
               Example: /<command> 35:12 200 - gives you 200 brown wool.
        description: Teleports yourself or a player to another player or specific coordinates.
        usage: |
               /<command> [victim] <destination>
               Example: /<command> Dinnerbone - teleports you to the player named Dinnerbone.
               Example: /<command> Bukkit Walrus - teleports a player named Bukkit to a player named Walrus.
               Example: /<command> * Monster - telports every online player to a player named Monster.
               Example: /<command> 100 200 100 - teleports you to the location 100,200,100 (X,Y,Z).
               Example: /<command> Bukkit 100 200 100 - teleports a player named Bukkit to the location 100,200,100.
        description: Teleports someone to yourself.
        usage: |
               /<command> <victim>
               Example: /<command> Dinnerbone - teleports the player named Dinnerbone to you
               Example: /<command> * - teleports every online player to yourself
        description: Sets/shows the current time.
        usage: |
               /<command> - displays the current time (13.00)
               /<command> 13 - sets the time to 13.00
               /<command> day - makes it day
               /<command> night - makes it night
               /<command> raw - displays the current raw time
               /<command> =24000 - sets the current raw time (48000 is two days)
               /<command> +1000 - adds raw time (1000 is one hour)
               /<command> -1000 - subtracts raw time
        description: Removes an item from your own or a player's inventory. Supports item IDs or names.
        usage: |
               /<command> [player] <item> [count]
               Use count = -1 (default) to remove all instances of an item
               Example: /<command> TNT - removes all TNT from your inventory.
               Example: /<command> griefer TNT -1 - removes all TNT from a player named griefer's inventory.
               Example: /<command> duplicator diamond_pickaxe 1 - removes 1 diamond pickaxe from a player named duplicator's inventory.
    name: ChatBukkit
    version: 0.0.1
    author: The Bukkit Team
    description: >
                 Basic chat functionality.
                 This plugin is one of the default plugins shipped with Bukkit.
        aliases: [who, whos]
        description: Looks up a player, returning various details about them
        usage: |
               /<command> [player]
               Example: /<command> Walrus
    I hope this helped those who wondered what they do.

    P.S ~ I have found that these can have command conflicts with plugins like Essentials, so if you use a general commands plugin that has these commands in them, delete Scrapbukkit or Chatbukkit accordingly.
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