Inactive [CHAT] HeroChat v4.10.3 - Comprehensive Chat Channel Plugin [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DThielke, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    HeroChat The Chat Channel Plugin (v 4.10.3)
    Download HeroChat
    Source Code on GitHub This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
    Redmine (Issue/Feature Tracker)

    Permissions 3.0
    Rcjrrcjr has been working quite hard on this upgrade to Permissions. However, it currently still suffers from a number of bugs. The most important of these which directly affects HeroChat is the non-functioning of prefixes and suffixes. There are less-than-pretty workarounds, but I'm refraining from fully supporting an update until Permissions 3.1 is released which should include a number of significant bug fixes. When this does occur, however, I have a build ready for you guys that should work. You can download it here. Again, I highly suggest not using this until Permissions 3.1 is released unless you really don't care about prefixes and such.

    See you when I get back!

    Is your config resetting when you make changes?
    If you make changes to the config while the server is running, you need to use the /ch reload command to make the changes stick. I wish this message wasn't necessary, but people only seem to read things in big, bold, red text (if at all).

    Have a problem? a feature request? Go here.
    HeroChat now has its very own redmine found here. If you have an issue or would like to suggest a new feature, I urge you to file it via redmine. I will be checking this much more often than this thread from here on out.

    Show your thanks! Maintaining plugins like HeroChat is very nearly a full time job. If you enjoy my plugins and appreciate the support I provide, then please consider providing some support of your own. Donating even a tiny amount keeps me motivated and makes me feel loved so go ahead and donate!

    What is HeroChat? HeroChat brings a multiple channel system to Minecraft. Through the use of highly customizable channels, even the largest of servers can have manageable and readable chat.

    • Chat channels
      • Highly configurable
      • Public, private and password protected channels
      • Configurable custom message formatting including colors and health bars
      • Channel moderation
      • Local channels
    • Ignore lists
    • Regex-based censorship
    • User setting persistence
      • Automatically saves your settings when you log out
    • Permissions integration
      • Prefixes and suffixes
      • Restrict joining and speaking in channels
      • Restrict important commands
    • CraftIRC integration
      • Relay messages between Minecraft and IRC
      • Configurable links between in-game and IRC channels
    How do I install it? Take a look at the installation and configuration wiki found here.

    How do I use it? Take a look at the usage wiki found here.

    A Message to Users
    Thanks for all your support! I will do my best to keep this plugin updated and bug free. If you have any issues or feature requests, feel free to either leave a message here or find me in #herochat on EsperNet.

    Extra special thanks to my donors: TheYeti, playnight

    Change Log
    Show change history (open)

    Version 4.10.3
    • Fixed players not rejoining private channels when Permissions isn't loaded first.
    Version 4.10.2

    • Fixed a bug with {group} when not using Permissions
    Version 4.10.1

    • Fixed a bug with CraftIRC join/leave events ignoring the join-messages option
    • Added the {group} tag
    • Added the {groupprefix} tag
    • Added the {groupsuffix} tag
    Version 4.10.0

    • Added the separate-chat-log option
    Version 4.9.0

    • Renamed the global craftIRC-tag option to craftIRC-prefix to avoid confusion
    • Replaced the channel specific craftIRC-tags option with game-to-IRC and IRC-to-game to allow one-way communication
    Version 4.8.11

    • Added color support for the irc-tag
    Version 4.8.10

    • Fixed a bug with privileged channels and reloads
    Version 4.8.9

    • Added the local-distance option to set the local distance on a per-channel basis
    Version 4.8.8

    • Removed debugging code I left in accidentally
    Version 4.8.7

    • Fixed an infinite loop with certain censors
    Version 4.8.6

    • Updated for CraftBukkit 612
    Version 4.8.5

    • Updated for CraftBukkit 602
    Version 4.8.4

    • Added a permissions check before rejoining channels during a /ch reload
    Version 4.8.3

    • User settings are now saved before /ch reload does its thing
    Version 4.8.2

    • Added one-time tells to the /tell command
    • Added the {receiver} tag for use in tell formats
    Version 4.8.1

    • Changing focus now ends /tell conversations
    Version 4.8.0

    • Added the cross-world-chat channel option
    • Separated user data into multiple files
    • Added the /ignore alias for /ch ignore back in
    Version 4.7.6

    • Minor improvement to command handling
    Version 4.7.5

    • Minor fix for certain command specific help pages
    • Added global toggle (toggles all channels) to /ch toggle
    Version 4.7.4

    • Minor internal change to how format tags work
    • Minor change to how messages are sent to CraftIRC (allows player specific tags such as {prefix})
    Version 4.7.3

    • Fixed issue with CraftIRC messages being repeated in IRC
    Version 4.7.2

    • Fixed a bug where /qm g ? would show the command help rather than sending a message
    Version 4.7.1

    • Fixed a minor formatting bug regarding join/leave messages in the console
    Version 4.7.0

    • Added the /tell command to create private conversations
    • Added the incoming-tell-format and outgoing-tell-format options to the config
    Version 4.6.0

    • Added the /ch toggle command to allow temporary enabling/disabling of channels
    Version 4.5.0

    • Added custom replacements to the censor feature in the format 'censoredword;replacement'
    • Added the 'herochat.color' permission to allow players to use colors on the fly in their messages
    • Added the mute (per channel) and gmute (global) commands
    • Revamped help menu
    • Added command specific help. Type /<command> ? to use it (ie. /ch create ?)
    Version 4.4.3

    • Fixed a bug when creating a channel with all 5 arguments provided
    Version 4.4.2

    • Improved command handling
    • Fixed a bug where commands longer than the actual commands were being accepted
    • Removed the {color.COLOR} tags - use the usual &c colors now
    • Replaced the {color.CHANNEL} tag with {color}
    Version 4.4.1

    • Fixed a bug with colors in message formats containing underscores
    Version 4.4.0

    • Added regex based word censor
    Version 4.3.7

    • Fixed any and all line wrapping issues (thanks to Bukkit for fixing MC's color line-wrapping bug)
    Version 4.3.6

    • Added the reserved channel name list back in
    • Fixed a potential issue with the /<channel> <message> shortcut command
    Version 4.3.5

    • A default configuration file is now created if you do not have one
    Version 4.3.4

    • Removed the DEBUG message I left in
    Version 4.3.3

    • Fixed line wrapping issues related to Finnish characters.
    Version 4.3.2

    • Fixed the ignore feature
    Version 4.3.1

    • Quick messaging now also relays to IRC
    • Added an option to configure the format for game->IRC messages
    Version 4.3.0

    • Added CraftIRC support!
    Version 4.2.1

    • Updated the help command to reflect the password additions
    Version 4.2.0

    • Added passworded channels
    • Updated /ch create command to allow passworded channel creation
    Version 4.1.6

    • Fixed a bug related to negative health values.
    Version 4.1.5

    • Fixed an error when using custom display names.
    Version 4.1.4

    • Added full error reporting to Permissions issues.
    Version 4.1.2

    • Added licensing information to source and original post.
    Version 4.1.1

    • Finally found the cause of the line wrapping bug. It's fixed now.
    • Implemented stricter version checking for Permissions. HeroChat will disable itself it the right version isn't found.
    Version 4.1.0

    • Added a message for the plugin's onDisable() method.
    • Re-implemented the old quick message feature.
    • Added world specific channels.
    • Fixed the /ch reload command.
    • Added the {world} and {healthbar} tags.
    • Added an overloaded sendMessage for other plugins to use.
    Version 4.0.2

    • Minor change to make HeroChat compatible with future Permissions version names
    Version 4.0.1

    • Fixed a bug when creating channels without specifying a color
    • Decided on a more logical version naming scheme
    Version 4.00

    • Major internal rewrite
    • Added error handling around Permissions to help identify issues with Permissions configs
    • Temporarily removed iChat support
    • Updated for new versions of Permissions
    • The old /ch channels command is now /ch list
    • The old /ch list command is now /ch who
    Version 3.21

    • Another attempt to fix line wrapping.
    Version 3.20

    • Fixed an issue with the /ch remove command.
    Version 3.19

    • Minor adjustment to line wrapping.
    Version 3.18

    • Moved command handling to onCommand.
    • Removed replaced old quick messaging behavior with /qm <channel> <message>.
    • Reworked /ch create command.
    • Added special /ch help create menu.
    • Updated to add Permissions 2.4 support.
    • Removed GroupManager support.
    Version 3.17

    • Fixed banning and kicking players again.
    Version 3.16

    • Players are no longer able to speak in a channel after being kicked or banned from it.
    Version 3.15

    • Added configurable option that defines the tag used to prefix all plugin messages - defaults to [HeroChat]
    Version 3.14

    • Added support for {healthbar} tags in prefixes and suffixes
    Version 3.13

    • Added support for GroupManager. Permissions should still work though!
    Version 3.12

    • Minor internal changes
    Version 3.08

    • Updated to meet new Bukkit standards
    • Fixed long constructor spam
    Version 3.07

    • Added support for other plugins to send messages to channels without a Player object
    • Bug Fix: another attempt to work around the local chat location issues
    Version 3.06

    • Bug Fix: other plugin commands should work again
    Version 3.05

    • Bug Fix: accidentally forgot to set loaded channels to saved
    Version 3.04

    • Added checks for cancelled events.
    • Bug Fix: channels are now only saved if the "saved" option is added
    Version 3.03

    • Bug fix: local channels should REALLY save and work correctly - seriously.
    • Bug fix: the /ch reload command no longer crashes the client
    Version 3.02

    • Bug fix: local channels should now save correctly.
    Version 3.01

    • Bug fix: fixed missing permissions check when automatically joining channels the first time a user enters the server
    Version 3.00

    • Added optional join/leave messages.
    • Channel moderators can now delete their own channels.
    • Channel moderators can now ban users preemptively, even if they aren't online.
    • All user settings are now saved across logins.
    • Removed the /ch auto and /ch default commands as they are now obsolete.
    • Configurations are now stored in a different file with a slightly different format. Old data.yml files are converted automatically to assist in this change.
    Version 2.67

    • Bug fix: issue with /ch list
    • Bug fix: issue with /ch mod
    Version 2.66

    • Bug fix: fixed an issue where players couldn't toggle off their personal autojoins
    Version 2.65

    • Bug fix: forgot to include plugin.yml in the jar last build
    Version 2.64

    • Fixed censor color code formatting
    Version 2.63

    • Cleaned up code a bit
    Version 2.62

    • Improved line wrapping so the last color of the first line is reapplied for each subsequent line
    Version 2.61

    • Players can now add channels to auto-join with the /ch auto command
    • Minor bug fixes
    Version 2.53

    • Actually removed channel joining messages when plugin is enabled (silly typos)
    Version 2.52

    • Removed channel joining messages when plugin is enabled (or externally reloaded)
    Version 2.51

    • Fixed rejoining default channels when reloading the plugin via Essentials
    Version 2.50

    • Added health bar support from iChat (iChat required)
    • Bug fixes
    Version 2.42

    • Minor bug fix to improve player nickname support
    Version 2.41

    • The join, leave and ignore commands can now also be accessed using /ch join, /ch leave and /ch ignore, respectively
    Version 2.40

    • Fixed major bug with /ch reload command
    • Message formatting now uses Player.getDisplayName() instead of Player.getName()
    Version 2.33

    • More bug fixes (fixed channels not being checked for join permissions when attempting to autojoin channels at startup)
    Version 2.32

    • Various bug fixes
    Version 2.31

    • Prefixes and suffixes can now be user-specific
    Version 2.30

    • Slight configuration file restructuring (I promise this will be one of the last times this occurs)
    • Channels can now have restricted join and speak privileges based on permission groups
    • Channels can choose to override the default format string
    • Minor bug fixes
    Version 2.20

    • Console logging added.
    Version 2.10

    • Fixed bug so that message formatting works properly
    • Hidden channels are now hidden from the channel list even if you're in them
    Version 2.00

    • Massive restructuring of code
    • Redone config files - make sure to read the new configuration section
    • Channel moderation added (/ch kick, /ch ban, /ch mod)
    • Custom message formatting added
    • Local channel distance is now adjustable
    • More bug fixes
    Version 1.10

    • Added the /ch reload command
    • Improved suffix support
    • Improved multi-line message support
    • Various minor bug fixes
    Version 1.00

    • Initial public release!
  2. Offline


    Whenever I try to download it, it says "Could not connect to MySQL," what do I do?

    K nvm, thanks for the link Agnostics

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  3. Offline


    Does this work for 1.1R4?
  4. Offline


    I need help with this Plug-In, it seems that when I put the HeroChat.jar file into the plugins folder. Then I restarted my server, after that I saw a folder named "HeroChat" and I can see that was the config.yml folder. Then I started my server, and go to Minecraft nothing was there. It's still the same old chat box, and I also need help with Prefixes.
  5. Offline


    [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\Herochat.jar' in folder 'plugins':
    org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Vault
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

    What can i do!?
  6. Offline


    I have an error when starting HeroChat on Bukkit 1.1-rR4

    Attached Files:

  7. Offline


    Can I get a link to the permission list please... I have the "Hero Chat" plugin and normal-Users cant talk in any channel
  8. Offline


    works for the lates RB?
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    sigh i understand that permissions are here but when ever i deop myself i still cant speak in chat... please tell me if i have the permission window set up good:'(

                permissions.*: true
            - default
                heroes.classes.Tank: true
                heroes.classes.Medic: true
                heroes.classes.Caster: true
                heroes.classes.Ranger: true
                heroes.bind: true
                multiverse.core.coord: true
                multiverse.access.*: true
                spectate.use: false
                herochat.speak.Global: true
  11. Offline


    Of course, I downloaded the HeroChat 5.4 for CB1.1-R4 but it doesn't work (see log). The version is up to date but it doesn't work with Bukkit 1.1-R4 or another Plugin doesn't like HeroChat ... :l

    Update: After Re-Installing Vault, it worked :)

    I think you are the Admin on the Server. Try to give yourself: herochat.*: true like this

                  permissions.*: true
                  herochat.*: true
                  *Permissions you want for defaults*
    Do NOT Copy&Paste : this is wrong formatted!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  12. Offline


    Yes i know im the admin but the thing is i want the other people to not be able to create more channels other then the ones that we already have. i deop myself and remove the permission.* and it wont work :D but if i have to i guess ill do the herochat.*
  13. Offline


    You might remove the rights from the defaults you don't want them to have :D
  14. Offline


    When i click the download link i get this "Could not connect to MySQL" what should i do instead ?
  15. Offline


    Nuinbot and Greylocke like this.
  16. Offline


    This thread needs to be updated and point to the BukkitDev link.
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    17:56:27 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\Herochat.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Vault
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginMa
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerCon
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

    I get this error i have the plugin HeroChat and PermissonPlugin
    somebody know what to do?
  19. Offline


    C00kiieKing "UnknownDependencyException: Vault"
    That pretty much says it right there. HeroChat 5.x requires Vault, but it cannot find the plugin.
  20. Offline


    ^ this

    That means you didn't download vault.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  21. Offline


    Hello I have a super quick question for anyone who is educated in the ways of HeroChat. I made all my channels and what not. How do I make it so Global chat is read by everyone, no matter what channel they are in.
    (ie; If I am in Elven Chat, I still want to be able to see what the noobs are saying in global chat, etc.)
    Thanks in advance. email me or reply.
    Working on a new Server right now. Its going up quick! IF youre interested in being involved in a new server, nows your chnace, while opinions are still being heard. Nobility and Mod seats still need filled. Email me at [email protected] if interested!
    Evan Wells
  22. Hey there seems to be a problem with the download link, it could be me or have I missed something?
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    This plugin almost owns my server.
  25. Offline


    I get an Error when I try to download Herochat : Could not connect to MySQL
  26. Offline


    Does HeroChat not like permissions pex because when I use it with permissions pex it doubles the prefixes
  27. Offline


    When is the new download able for 1.2.3 ? please contact me when its done
  28. Offline


    Please update it to R6 (1.2)!
  29. Offline


    Its already (1.2.3)
  30. Offline


    Okay. Then must the Title have "[1.2-R6]",doesn't?
  31. Offline


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