Plugin Help Chat Brackets Help?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by zombiekila_167, Oct 4, 2015.

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    So I made a server and have downloaded some plugins on it. In the Essentials config file i updated the chat format to make it look like this:

    After that I got a few more plugins, the full list right here:

    One of those plugins caused the chat to change to this:

    I looked thru the factions config and everything but i could not find anything that could change it back. I even downloaded chatmanager but i could not find anything there.

    If you know how to change it back please reply thank you!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Heres the config for chatmanager, i cant find where the default chat format goes. :/

    # %displayname% = DisplayName
    # Supports:
    # ChatClearMsg
    # ChatPlayerClearMsg
    # ChatLockOn
    # ChatLockOff
    # StaffChatFormat
    # CmdSpyFormat
    # AntiSwearMsg
    # %player% = Username
    # Supports:
    # ChatClearMsg
    # ChatPlayerClearMsg
    # ChatLockOn
    # ChatLockOff
    # StaffChatFormat
    # CmdSpyFormat
    # AntiSwearMsg
    # %msg% = Every Argument After /Command
    # Supports:
    # BroadcastFormat
    # StaffChatFormat
    # CmdSpyFormat
    # The prefix for all messages from ChatManager.
    Prefix: '&8&l[&9Stiletto&cChat&8&l]'
    # The access denied message (Does use the Prefix).
    NoAccess: '&7You do not have access!'
    # This is the message when someone tries to chat during a Chat Lock (Does use the Prefix).
    ChatLockMessageDeny: '&7Sorry, %displayname%, but chat is currently locked!'
    # This is the message broadcasted when chat becomes locked (Does use the Prefix).
    ChatLockOn: '&7%player%&c has locked chat!'
    # This is the message broadcasted when chat becomes unlocked (Does use the Prefix).
    ChatLockOff: '&7%player%&c has unlocked chat!'
    # The message broadcasted after chat is cleared (Does use the Prefix).
    ChatClearMsg: '&7%player%&c has cleared chat!'
    # The message someone will recieve when a player /ccp's their chat (Does use the Prefix).
    ChatPlayerClearMsg: '&7%player%&c has cleared your chat!'
    # The format for /broadcast and /bc (Does not use the Prefix).
    BroadcastFormat: '&c[ChatManager] &7%msg%'
    # The format for /staffchat and /sc (Does not use the Prefix).
    StaffChatFormat: '&c[SC] %displayname%&6:&b %msg%'
    # The format for /CmdSpy (Does not use the Prefix).
    CmdSpyFormat: '&c[CS] &7%displayname%&c: %msg%'
    # If set to true, the AntiSwear filter will be enabled. If set to false, it will not be enabled.
    AntiSwearOn: true
    # If set to true - users will recieve a msg saying they can't swear.
    # If set to false - the message will just be cancelled.
    AntiSwearMsgEnabled: false
    # Anti Swear Message (Does use the Prefix).
    AntiSwearMsg: '&7Please do not swear, %player%.'
    # Words to block | Please do not use more than one word per line.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @zombiekila_167 Was wrong about that one. Remove a plugin, check if it persists, if not: then you know what plugin is causing it, if it does persist: put the plugin back, remove the next one.
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    Yes its definitely Factions. We have the default plugin files so im not sure whats wrong, anything you can do?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Theres just so many different paths, like adapter, cmd, engine i dont even know where to look, and also i cant open any of the files apparently :/
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    @zombiekila_167 got filezilla? it allows you to open pretty much anything
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    I cant open the file in the multicraft page, i have to litterally download it and look thru the files on my desktop.

    no i dont have filezilla, and also i have to manually download the file to edit it

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2015
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