Changing config help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by rampragej, Aug 18, 2011.

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    When I got essentials, there were a few things I wanted to change in the config, but doing so caused essentials to stop working-I couldn't use the commands and there was no real welcome message. I decided just to work around it, but now, i got towny and couldn't change the config for that either without the plugin failing. And with towny, I really have to change the config. Can someone please explain this to me? I have tried reinstalling the plugins to no avail. I am running Java 1.6.0_18 on a windows vista, and am running my server using bukkit.
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    You reinstalled essentials and it didnt work?
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    No, just I can't change the config. essentials works fine as long as i don't change the config.
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