Changing an Entities Speed

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sablednah, May 13, 2012.

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    I'm trying to get some entities to move faster and slower.

    I have a plugin that creates different variations of entities. I already have health, damage and various skills working fine. What I can't get working well is altering speed.

    I've tried applying speed potions - it plays the visual effect but doesn't effect movement.

    My recent attempt was to multiply the vector. This worked perfectly - however I have to run this every 2-3 ticks as the new pathfinder AI constant reworks the vectors.

    As you can guess this doesn't scale well. More than a few dozen entities being tracked and the server just locks up.

    So - am I missing a trick that will make this easier? Or am I going to have to delve into net.minecraft.server code? And if so how do I go about getting to the speed?
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    Alternatively you could use reflection to change every newly spawned mob's speed:
    private static Field entitySpeed = net.minecraft.server.Entity.class.getField("bb");
    static {
    entitySpeed.set(((CraftEntity) event.getEntity()).getHandle(), 0.4f);
    Written from my head thus it might contain errors, e.g. you might have to change Entity.class to EntityLiving.class.
  4. does this method still apply for current CB?
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    You'd have to get the v1_5_R2 or something like that in there also
  6. I have tried :

                      try {
                          Field entitySpeed = null;
                          try {
                              entitySpeed = net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.Entity.class.getField("bb");
                          } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException ev) {
                          entitySpeed.set(((CraftEntity) e.getEntity()).getHandle(), 1.6f);
                      } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ev) {
    but returns "bb" doesnt exist.
    And printing outh the getFields() confirms this.

    EntityZombie has a bb field but doesnt seem to change the speed.
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  8. I need to step speed up more gradually than that
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  10. bw spits out:

    java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: bw
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