Changed Horse Breeding Formula 1.11.2

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Soosie, Feb 25, 2017.

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    Plugin category: I'm not sure...

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: Better Horse Breeding (?)

    What I want: I want to change the horse breeding formula. With the current fomula it is really hard to improve your horse's stats with breeding, so the only way to get better horses is to find them. I want to change the formula so that it's possible to improve your horse's stats over generations, but still not easy or cheap! :)
    I would change it to be the average of the two parents and then a random -5% to a +5% bonus taken away from or added to that average.

    An example:
    Parent 1: 12,36 m/s
    Parent 2 13,01 m/s

    12,36 + 13,01 = 25,37
    15,37/2 = 12,685
    12,685 + 4% bonus = 13,1924

    So this foal can run 13,19 m/s!

    Another example:
    Parent 1: 21 HP
    Parent 2: 19 HP

    21 + 19 = 40
    40/2 = 20
    20 - 3% bonus = 19,4

    So this foal is born with 19 HP

    When I'd like it by: Anytime!

    Please excuse my english and if anything is unclear, or if you have any other suggestions, please tell me! :)
  2. I'm gonna make this :)
    Just a question: are both speed and health considered in the newborn horse at the same time?
  3. Offline


  4. Done.

    Downloadlink: Horse Breeding.jar?dl=0
    < 7 kB
    175 lines of code
    Java version: >= 1.7
    Server version: Compiled using spigot 1.11.2, should work on most other versions too.

    Commands: /horse (or /betterhorsebreeding or /bhb)
    Shows max. speed, health and jump strength of the horse you're riding

    Does what you said in the thread and sends the player a message (same message as in the command + it also shows the additional percentage for each attribute).
    health gets rounded.

    min-health-percent: -5
    max-health-percent: 5
    min-speed-percent: -5
    max-speed-percent: 5
    min-jump-percent: -5
    max-jump-percent: 5
    random whole (not something like 2.358) number between min and max is chosen
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  5. Offline


    Thank you! Will give it a try asap :)
  6. Offline


    First of all sorry for being so late, I was on vacation and did not have access to any computers.
    Thank you, I tried it out on my server and it worked! But I did notice that when you start to get really good horses they get better than they naturally can in vanilla minecraft, is there any way to fix this?

    I hope this maked sense :)
  7. I can either implement a max. value for every attribute or you use a lower percentage in the config.
  8. Offline


    I think a max value (and maybe a minimum value too?) would be good. I'm taking the numbers from the minecraft gamepedia, because I'm guessing it's accurate.

    Movement speed for horses ranges from 0.1125 to 0.3375 in internal units, which according to your plugin is 4.85-14.55 blocks per second.
    Health ranges from 15-30 hit points.
    Jump strength ranges from 0.4 to 1. Which to your command is 1.09 to 5.29 blocks high.
  9. Updated, download link is the same as above. You may need to delete the old config.yml before, so it has all the new values in it. min or max health is in half hearts, jump strength and speed in internal units.
  10. Offline


    Ok, thank you again!
  11. Offline


    Ok, I'm sorry for being such a hassle, but I think something got messed up when you updated the plugin. I bred a foal and it got a -62.6567... bonus in speed. And very big losses in the other statistics aswell. The foal ended up to be as bad as the worst a horse naturally can be.
  12. Offline


    If you do not feel like updating could upload the first version? I deleted it when I downloaded the new one, but the new one doesn't work properly :)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
  13. @Soosie
    I found the issue, new update (working, I tested it) can be downloaded :)
  14. Offline


    Is it still the same link.? Tried it out but it still had the same issue.
  15. Yeah, it is the same link. The problem was, that dropbox wasn't running on my computer for some strange reason, so it didn't actually upload the new version ^^

    Now you can download the most recent version ('/ver BetterHorseBreeding' should show version 1.1)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
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