API Change player name tags, once again!

Discussion in 'Resources' started by AlvinB, Feb 10, 2017.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mine2012craft I have used similar methods I believe in Eclipse, will check for you, also know a bypass if I don't have the solution
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    Sorry for the late reply, was gone for a week. Thank you for checking for me though.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    My method only works for executable jars.
    But you can always just open te jar with a zip program and drag the classes into it.
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    Mine is typically an executable Jar.
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    Alright I'm fine now. I found an API on the Spigot page that I can use. Using Scoreboards mathamagically, it gives the coder the ability to add prefixes and suffixes that everyone can see without having to set a scoreboard so people can see it. So now I can both color and add prefixes/suffixes to the players name with ease.
  6. Alright, this *should* now be correctly working with 1.12!
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  8. @JackJupper
    Have you shaded the library into your jar?
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    not using maven to import
  10. @JackJupper
    Right, how are you compiling your project then?
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    I'm just importing your API through the build path.
  12. @JackJupper
    Yes, and then how are you compiling? Are you using the Standard IDE tool to compile? Or are you using an external tool like maven, ant and gradle?
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    standard IDE
  14. @JackJupper
    Right, and what IDE is this? Can your show us your configuration to compile?
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    do i have to import it a special way other then "import com.bringholm.nametagchanger.NameTagChanger;" ?
  16. @JackJupper
    Well, no not code wise. What you have to do is make your compiling tool include the classes. Just tell me which IDE you're using (IE NetBeans, IntelliJ, Eclipse, whatever) and I can describe the process.
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  18. @JackJupper
    I'm not a very frequent eclipse user, but as far as I know, it is not possible to use eclipse to shade non-runnable jars by default. You will either have to install a plugin or use maven. You could also of course switch to a different IDE.
  19. I have just pushed out an update to this. As of version 1.1-SNAPSHOT, you can now mess with player skins! :)
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    I also have the same error:

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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