Change ItemMeta for Anvil RESULT.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Steffion, Feb 12, 2013.

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    Hello everyone,
    Is it possible to edit the Result (3rd Slot) of an anvil?
    I can't find anything!
    You CAN edit the 1st and 2nd slot but not the Result?
    Anyone knows how :(?

    Hope you understand.
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    bleachisback, Thats only for Enchants/Enchanttable not for Anvil?
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    Bump :)!
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    I don't think there is an event for anvils.

    He wants to set the result slot of an anvil.

    Edit: I submitted a ticket for this a long time ago.
  7. InventoryClickEvent might be useful, just check if it's an anvil inventory type then on each click you'd have to make a 1-tick-delayed check for the result, I belive...

    But yeah a specific event would be much easier :p
  8. Offline


    I wrote a Pre-ItemMeta PR for this once, maybe I'll do so again. The biggest difficulty with it is how it's handled in NMS, so I might talk with a member of the bukkit team on how to best address it.
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    I still need this! Someone else knows anything? Bump.

    evilmidget38 Could you please ask it for me :eek:?
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