Change ´maxWarp´ int

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Serilum, Nov 3, 2012.

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    Hello, I've been working on code for a warp plugin. Everything works aside from 1 thing, where it changes the amount of warps a player can have.

    Basically what it should do, is if the player is VIP "VIP.IsVIP" the amount of warps they get should change. Default should have 3 warps etc.

    Any ideas on why this doesn't work? And if so, how to fix it? Would help me out a lot.

    /*    */  public static boolean SetWarp(String playerName, String warpName, Location location)
    /*    */  {
    /* 138 */    Hashtable<String, Location> warpList = GetWarpList(playerName);
    /*    */
    /* 141 */    if (!warpList.containsKey(warpName))
    /*    */    {
                    int maxWarps = 3;   
    /* 145 */      if (MVP.IsPREM(playerName)) {
    /* 146 */        maxWarps = 20;
    /* 147 */      } else if (VIP.IsElite(playerName)) {
    /* 148 */        maxWarps = 15;
    /* 147 */      } else if (MVP.IsMVP(playerName)) {
    /* 148 */        maxWarps = 12;
    /* 147 */      } else if (VIP.IsVIP(playerName)) {
    /* 148 */        maxWarps = 8;
    /*    */      }
    /*    */
    /* 151 */      if ((maxWarps == -1) || (warpList.keySet().size() >= maxWarps)) {
    /* 152 */        return false;
    /*    */      }
    /*    */    }
    /* 155 */    warpList.put(warpName, location);
    /* 156 */    SaveWarps(playerName);
    /* 157 */    return true;
    /*    */  }
  2. Offline


    omg whats with those numbers on the left? What are you using to code?
  3. Offline


    Haha, sorry for that. I used a decompiler because I lost the source code and it added that.
    I use Eclipse
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