
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zeya, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Shop

    Suggested name: Catalog

    What I want: What I'm looking for is a plugin that will use the pen and quill in game as a catalog book, so you can order things from the server shop. This plugin should allow server owners to add items and prices in a config so it matches the shops in the server.

    Ideas for commands: /catalog (which will give the book at a $ to player with permissions) all setup should be done in config file.

    Ideas for permissions: catalog.use (so a player can use /catalog to get book)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can would be nice :)
  2. Offline


    I don't think written books allow the detection of clicks inside them.
  3. Offline


    In the new snapshot they do. ;)
    zeya likes this.
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    5chris100 They indeed don't. Can't even see it when somebody opens one
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    So there is no way to set it up to you can click on (commands) in books. Like you do with sign commands?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  7. Offline


    Well it was a good idea while it lasted. lol Thanks for the response. Maybe i will write Mojang and see if they will change that, haha!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    zeya Mojang isn't responsible for bukkit though, but I believe that there also aren't any packets for books
  9. Offline


    Well there has to be some way to do a catalog of sorts! maybe it can be done in the form of a mod for my FTB server, or even a Tekkit server. If you wanted to request a change like this who wold you go to?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    zeya Mojang probably has a bug tracker, try it there, after that: get somebody to implement it into bukkit.
  11. Offline


    In the snapshots Mojang has a feature for it.
  12. Offline


    ya I just sent in a request for it on the mojang website. This would be amazing! Thanks for all your feedback guys/girls, If you want to keep in touch add me here. I have some other good ideas that are imposable haha!

    the new snapshot does not have that in it! im in a 14w29b server now and still no go!


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  13. Offline


    Then bump this thread when there's a 1.8 version of Bukkit :3

    Isn't that contradictory? :p
  14. Offline


    It does have it in, you just don't know how to do it.
  15. Offline


    Please show me! I will launch my 1.8 server and you can show me how. Just let me know when you can.
  16. Offline


    Even if it is in the snapshot, there is no builds for the snapshot on Bukkit so you'd have to wait another few months till you can even get a plugin for it.
  17. Offline

    I think this is what he is talking about! Sounds to me that it is a preset list of commands and link. But it is a start for sure. If any of you want to help find out how to get the book in a server let me know!

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