Filled Carry on from essentials sign

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by andrewginn, Oct 29, 2014.

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    Hello I was wondering if anyone who had experience with essentials could make a sell-all sign plugin, what this means and what I want it to be like is for instance you have a full inventory of stone, you have to stand there right clicking to sell all the stone, in your inventory with this plugin I want people to sell quickly and enjoy the game more. This is how i want the layout to be
    This is default essentials:

    What this means is that you want to sell, a certain amount of an item for a editable amount of money, now for the plugin i want.
    Custom Plugin:

    All i want to have is a implement for a sell all sign so you can sell it all.
    I know this is easy so if someone has time to please can you do it. Thank you, I am still learning java so any suggestions on easy ways to learn it please post it in the description :D
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    mrCookieSlime thanks bro been searching for one ages!

    mrCookieSlime is it possible to know how to change the sell sign so it doesnt have to have the green on sell all

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    Yes you can change it in the config.yml
    Also please mark this Thread as filled.
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    mrCookieSlime when i edit the sellall-sign-prefix to &7[&eSell All&7] It doesnt work please fix
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    It does work. But if you change the prefix you also need to recreate all Signs with your new prefix.
    So you need to write [Sell All] now.
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  8. andrewginn Make sure you aren't going over the sign character limit, spaces count too!
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    I know, I already checked his Prefix Character length it is ok...

    Did you also specifya Shop?
    Also, mind sending me a screenshot of your Sign?
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