Cancelling PlayerDamageEvent on two different plugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OshaGoro, May 26, 2020.

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    Hey all,

    Say I have two different plugins, A and B, which both have a listener for PlayerDamageEvent. Plugin A has an EventPriority of LOW and Plugin B has an EventPriority of HIGH. This means that plugin A's eventhandler will run before plugin B's I believe.

    I want plugin A to have it's eventhandler run and do its thing (say for example it sets the damage to 10), but after A has finished, I would like to choose whether plugin B's PlayerDamageEvent handler will run. Calling event.setCancelled(true) in Plugin A will cancel the event altogether I believe (player won't take any damage at all).

    Is there a way to do this by any chance or any suggestions to do this? Thanks!
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    @OshaGoro You just have to not do anything if it's cancelled. I believe this can be achieved by two ways.
    1. Set "ignoreCancelled" to "true" in your EventHandler annotation.
    2. Return if the event is cancelled by checking for Cancellable#isCancelled().

    I've never tested it but, i'd think it's the other way around. Higher priority means it runs first.
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    EventPriority.HIGHEST has the last word on an event.

    When, you cancel an event, bukkit will keep testing others plugins with this event, it's why u can add in parameter to @eventHandler, 'ignoreCancelled'.

    You can use event.isCancelled() for see if an another plugin has cancelled it, then use a condition for see if you run your code or not.
    KarimAKL likes this.
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