Cancel player from taking an item from an Chest (Inventory)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WMisiedjan, Feb 28, 2011.

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    There is an event: "INVENTORY_CLICK"

    Although, It's not implented yet.

    I'm looking for a way to check if someone pressed (clicked) on an Inventory Item, and I need to be able to cancel it.

    Is that, Or something like that already possible?
    Which Events do I need to use?
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    onBlockInteract() is your a guy and a simple event.setCancelled( true ) should cancel it, and inside is where you doo all the checking!
  3. Offline


    onBlockInteract() is for Interacting on blocks right?

    Not for inventory Items?
  4. Offline


    Did you figure this out yet? Cause I'm trying to prevent a player from changing a certain item in their own inventory (specifically the helmet slot). I could probably be of more use if the javadocs weren't still down.
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    onBlockInteract() is when a player open a chest and things like that
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    Read the thread please or explain how that could help at all.
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