Bukkit VS Spigot

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jinli, Nov 9, 2014.


please help

  1. yeah just change the jar and it'll work normally

    5 vote(s)
  2. Nope you're screwed

    2 vote(s)
  3. Depends on the plugins.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Offline


    Is Spigot easy to switch to. With bukkit discontinued I can't go any further than 1.7.10.

    If Bukkit and Spigot are the same thing do i just switch bukkit jar to spigot jar do i need to change alll my plugins or no just the jar and all plugins will work just fine? :(

    I just wanna resolve the whole issue of bukkit is discontinued and also because bukkit has this weird TNT problem http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/bukkit-tnt-problem.318754/
  2. Offline


    You cannot yet download Spigot.
  3. Offline


    DrPyroCupcake Is there any jar files such as craftbukkit that will update my server to 1.8 but have not been taken down?
  4. Offline


    It is illegal to distribute. And CraftBukkit was never updated to 1.8.
  5. Offline


    DrPyroCupcake I'm talking about files with different code that is not illegal but will allow my server to be 1.8 not necessarily craftbukkit
  6. Offline


    Jinli CraftBukkit and Spigot are not identical, but they do both support Bukkit plugins. Generally speaking, switching your server from CraftBukkit to Spigot is as easy as switching out the jar file and starting it up again. Occasionally there may be a compatibility issue, but many people don't experience problems switching.

    Currently Spigot does not have a 1.8 version to switch to. They are working on it. The other problem you might have if you tried to switch right now is Spigot's jar files aren't available either. Since they were built off of CraftBukkit, the DMCA has affected them the same way. The last "versions" of Spigot that people have been able to use are just patches, requiring you to already have the last jar file in order to patch it. So if you don't have a working Spigot jar, you're going to have a hard time finding one.

    ===RhysyB=== Pretty much all of the 1.8 server software that is out there is still in development. There are many different projects working on it at the same time and it's kind of a race to see who gets a decent product finished first. If you're in a really big hurry to be on 1.8, you could possibly try being a test server for one of those projects.
    AdamQpzm and DrPyroCupcake like this.
  7. Offline


    i want a 1.7.10 version LOL. also can you help me set up so we can make it compatiable from 1.7.1 to 1.7.10. like most professional servers. i heard you have to break the protocol
  8. Offline


    You heard right, the protocol is what affects client compatibility. I have no experience with protocol edits though, so I'm not really the right person to help you with that. CraftBukkit doesn't really support doing it anyway, but Spigot does it on a regular basis so you might be able to find help with that over in the Spigot community.
  9. Offline


    How have people got the 1.8. Technically isn't it illegal to have servers on it?
  10. Offline


    Some people have software with a protocol hack that allow 1.8 clients to join 1.7 servers. There's also a plugin out there called Carbon that adds in some of the 1.8 blocks. Some 1.8 servers are running vanilla Minecraft. And there are people testing out new server software that also supports 1.8; most of that is still in development.

    There is nothing illegal with having a 1.8 server. All of the DMCA legal business has to do with distribution of CraftBukkit, which you're still legally allowed to use if you already have it, you just aren't allowed to share the files or make them downloadable.
  11. Offline


    loads of people have it backed up on things such as Dropbox and mediafire so there's no way to protect sharing now. Also people torrent this stuff.
    I have vanilla minecraft 1.8 in my multicraft, but that only allows you users to join and no blocks right? Also, will this break any plugins?
  12. Offline


    Yes, lots of people have the old CraftBukkit files backed up on their own computers and yes, technically it would be impossible to keep someone from sharing the file if they were really determined. That still does not make distributing it legal or something that people should do.

    If you have vanilla 1.8, then users can join and they have all of the blocks and 1.8 features. Vanilla 1.8 is the complete game. None of the plugins will work though. Plugins do not function on vanilla servers; that is why CraftBukkit/Spigot/other server software exists. And this is why people are upset over the legal stuff right now; because they can't download the software that is needed to make their plugins work.
    AdamQpzm likes this.
  13. Offline


    But how do servers have compatible plugins on 1.8 server and people can join? And 1.7 works there too? Won't their plugins break?
  14. 17xDillz1997 Protocol hacks. It's actually a 1.7 server that has been forced to allow 1.8 client to connect. They're not supported here.
  15. Offline


    Go and have a look over at http://www.spigotmc.org/ regarding getting help with 1.8/plugins and any questions you may have.
    Seems like a few people on this forum like to stroke each others ego's softly whispering 'we dont talk about those lesser than us here'
    To answer some questions
    Spigot is easy to switch to, go to the above link to get the info you need (if you can start the bukkit jar, its as good as the same deal)
    No you cant download spigot BUT (watch and learn how to be helpful!) you need to find a specific spigot build and download the update from spigot (above link supplies all the info). (see how i showed him it wasnt a dead end without supporting other alternatives!!)

    It is CURRENTLY illegal to distribute, Craftbukkit along with Spigot are being updated to 1.8 and in final testing (above link)

    Some people should quit being pedantic and grow up!

    On a role tonight lol
  16. Offline


    Krustymk the bukkit forums are not a place to advertise your server forks. You should have already known this.

    Stop spreading obviously wrong information, md_5 does NOT own craftbukkit or bukkit and CANNOT update it.. And, no, you CANNOT redistribute the server fork either, so stop telling people to download it, and respect the DMCA.

    Its amazing how a few people here are posting the exact same posts, oblivious to how bukkit operates at all. Its the protocol hack advertisement all over again. I will not be surprised if md_5 is encouraging this false information like last time.
  17. Offline


    You can write, reading is not a strong point though is it
  18. Offline


    I can read. Can you?
  19. Offline


    How am i advertising my server fork? (What is a server fork anyway?)
    What wrong information am i spreading and who is md_5 and how did i claim they own craftbukkit and bukkit? I thought they where community projects and not owned by anyone to be honest.
    Im not redistributing anything and the only thing i told anyone to download is the update, which is a patch to an old spigot build. The patch is legal and does respect the DMCA as far as i am aware.

    So how about you bukkit snobs stop stone walling people when they ask a question and at least point them in the right direction, spigot is not a dirty word and nor will you go to hell for pointing someone to their site! Its called HELPING

    And im pretty sure the discussion of alternatives to bukkit are allowed now!

    So pick your toys up and ctfd
  20. Offline


    Krustymk Yeah.. And getting said old server fork build is perfectly legal, right?
    If you dont know who is the developer of the very project you are trying to "get anyone to download the update", then im not sure you are able to add much to the conversation.

    Also, il appreciate if you dont swear or call people "snobs" because someone is disagreeing with you. If you dont want to read up on what you are advertising, its not my fault if you get called on it.
  21. Offline


    Its up to him to find a legal way of getting the build, he may have it from a previous download? I did, i went looking for it, couldnt find it then a few days later going through my downloads folder looking for something else i spotted a build and turned out to be the correct one! Must have downloaded it at some point with the idea of trying it..

    OK, the ctfd could be considered swearing and i apologise for that

    Snobs, was not aimed at you but rather a number of members who remind me of the 'local shop keepers/legue of gentlemen' with their unhelpful attitudes, stone walling and pedantic behavior towards people seeking help.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  22. Offline


    Krustymk there is no legal way to get the build. Read up on DMCA.
    Also, yes, unofficial builds have always been not supported in these forums. You are expected to seek support where you got your mod. Its wierd why despite the fact that each mod has its own forums, people get annoyed when bukkit cannot support them with other mods.
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