Bukkit security flaw with signs - hackers rejoice :(

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Runelynx, Mar 13, 2011.

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    Got this post on my forums today from someone who likes to tinker around in the plugin code files.
    Is this true? :( I'd rather just have plain old regular signs that have bukkit try to do something weird with it and create a nice opening for hackers...

    Annyway, thoght i'd warn you guys of a new threat.
    Bukkit and hmod servers are vunerable to a new hack that allows players to rank themelves up useing signs.
    also, theres a similar hack that allows a user to replace EVRY SINGLE SIGN on the map with words of their choice.
    So, just a warning, keep on the lookout for a bunch of signs with gibberish on them.
    (PS. I had nothing to do with the above hacks)

    I think I've isolated the bit of code for the sign ranking... It's odd though, I can't tell if it's a bug or a backdoor. The only problem is, is that craftbook and all other sign-related mods depend on this bit.
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