Bukkit Plugin List, how does it work?

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Eggspurt, Nov 2, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Lets say I search "Simple" on bukkit dev page what makes SimpleWE the top one, rather than all of the other ones.
  2. Eggspurt
    What? Your question makes no sense. Please elaborate a bit.
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    It makes perfect sense. If I go to Bukkit Development Page and I search for plugins, and I type "Simple" You'll notice on the top of ALL of the Simples "SimpleWE" is the first result. How are things like that determined?
  4. Eggspurt
    Sorry, what made me confused was that you posted this here, on the Plugin Development section, which is for people who need help with plugin development, hence its description.

    Need help developing a plugin? Got a bug you can't squash? Ask in here!
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  6. Offline


    Moved to correct section.
  7. Offline


    For obvious reasons, we do not divulge information on how we determine the ordering of our results in our plugin search.
  8. Offline


    EvilSeph Why if i search for worldedit the real plugin called "worldedit" is shown at the SECOND page? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?
  9. Offline


    Think of it like Google's SEO. More backlinks = a higher rank.

    I'm guessing more downloads = higher chance of being in first place as well comments.
    That's a guess, don't believe it.
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