Plugin Help bukkit getCommand("...").setExecutor always null pointer

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by causticlasagne, Nov 25, 2015.

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    Ugh. I'm having yet another problem in my grand eclipse and java plugin development.

    I have a line in 2 plugins that is exactly the same... kind of, except the names and stuff.

    commandhandler ch = new commandhandler(this);

    The above works in my first plugin with no issues.
    References a class called commandhandler

    CompassCommands cc = new CompassCommands(this);

    getCommand("cpgwarp").setExecutor(cc); <- Exception
    However, the above code does not work, as it always returns a nullpointerexception.
    This code references a class called CompassCommands

    Can anybody point out what's wrong or have I missed something and are staring blankly at it.... again?

    Cheers CausticLasagne.
    As always, don't be afraid to ask for source.. within reason.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Here is is.
    Bukkit forums won't allow uploading of a .yml file for some reason.
    I've appended .txt to the end of the file.
    (Admins hate this: I'll be online at about 1200 +0800 tomorrow)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
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    Ugh. I figured it out. After you requested my plugin.yml, I thought.. It must be something to do with that. Then whilst making a new plugin, I changed the command in plugin.yml and it clicked.

    Why does bukkit spew nonsense when the plugin.yml command is not the same as the one being registered?
    To Bukkit Devs: Please make it print a message alongside the stacktrace. It would save a lot of time.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @causticlasagne Bukkit doesn't know what could be causing it, people do.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    You realize Bukkit is no longer under development, right?

    Not nonsense. It shows, well, a stack trace. A list of method calls that were happening when the exception was thrown.
    teej107 likes this.
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    Mrs. bwfctower likes this.
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    Yeah, idk. I'm running spigot, but isn't that a fork or something of bukkit? (1.8.8)
    In the stacktrace, they should just print a list of the erroring classes, and go into more detail of what caused the error.
    I guess it's a generic thing though because c# and other .net languages to it too.
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    Or maybe, they shouldn't? What takes more time? To learn to read stack-traces (10 minutes) or to implement an error tracking algorithm (half year)?
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    @causticlasagne When it prints a stacktrace, just follow it through, that is the easiest way to troubleshoot something. It even gives you line numbers. If it has to do with a command, its the plugin.yml.
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