
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RigPa, Sep 17, 2013.

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    I have a server using Groupmanager and on my server there is NO body execpt my self who can use the Stop command to stop the server. Except for one anoying user who usually logs in to the server and immediately writes: Stop whereafter the server stops.

    The group he belongs to has specifically this permission: - -bukkit.command.stop
    so that should not be possible.

    I have tried to place other users in the same group ant they can't stop the server!

    So my question is: How the ****** is he able to stop the server???
  2. Offline


    Have you checked your ops file to make sure he isn't somehow listed in there? Also, have you checked group manager to ensure that he isn't part of more than one group?
  3. Offline


    Also check the permissions he has as a user. They override the group permissions.
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