Blocking /pl

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SurvivalCraft994, May 3, 2014.

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  1. I tried the node: - bukkit.command.plugins but that still allows them to do /pl or /plugins how do you block it?
  2. If the node doesnt work search for a plugin that blocks it, try looking up NoPl or Noplugins
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    SurvivalCraft994 You need to negate the node, which takes another - on the front of it. Like this:
    - -bukkit.command.plugins

    That's assuming you use GroupManager or PermissionsEx. If you have bPermissions, it might be something like this (I think):
    - ^bukkit.command.plugins
  4. I have pex and tried -
    I have PEX and i did - bukkit.command.plugins and it didnt stop it
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    Just don't add it in the first place..?
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    Doing - bukkit.command.plugins is not the same as doing - -bukkit.command.plugins . You NEED that second - in there, otherwise you are not negating the permission, you are allowing it. Just to reiterate, to negate a permission, you do the regular - and then another - connected to the permission node itself: - -bukkit.command.plugins
  7. okay thanks!
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