Solved Block burns event?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WonderWaffleYT, Mar 11, 2016.

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    I would like to know how to stop a block from breaking from fire while still allowing the fire to come and go on the block. So if a player lights a piece of wood on fire the wood will be on fire for a few seconds and it will not break when the fire goes away.

    The BlockBurnEvent and the BlockBreakEvent both do not work form what I have tried

    Any ideas on how to handle this are appreciated

    EDIT: This seems to be the easiest way to handle this. this works and isn't laggy :D
    public class BlockFireEvent implements Listener{
        public void onBlockFire(BlockBurnEvent event){
        public void onFirePlace(BlockPlaceEvent event){
            if(event.getBlock().getType() == Material.FIRE && event.getPlayer().getGameMode() == GameMode.SURVIVAL)
        public void killFire(final Block b){
            new BukkitRunnable(){
                public void run(){
            }.runTaskLater(Main.plugin, 100);
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
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    You need to cancel the BlockBurnEvent and I believe the fire should extinguish itself after a few seconds by itself.
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    That was the first thing I tried. The fire never extinguished
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