Bind commands to cuboids

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xian, Jan 18, 2011.

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    1. I'd like to give players permission to use commands in a cuboid. Is there already a mod for this?
    2. Is there a way to bind commands to blocks, so that if you walk to the coordinates, you automatically use the command?

    this is what i want to get.

    if there is anyone here who is able to script - i just 'need' the first point, second would be nice. the idea in the other thread - that would be awesome [​IMG]
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    anyone? :(
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    The initiation of the command would be hard, could check the players position, and if the player is inside a cuboid with a set command, it initiates. I have no idea myself how to actually do it, as I am not a pro in Java. There is probably a better way of doing it...
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    there could be a step-on-plate or a button or sign or something.. i just want to have a chance to save a new /sethome there :)
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