'Bigger' scoreboard

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sgavster, Nov 25, 2013.

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    So, I was working on my server, and the one thing that crashes me is because of my scoreboard.
    I know why, it's because I'll put something too long on it, and I crash.

    There is a server that I've seen someone play on, and there scoreboard is way more than 16 characters long. (I will try to find a screeny later)

    But, I was wondering, is this possible to do this with bukkit(and how)? Thanks!
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    As far as i am aware there is not a way to change the size. I am still new to bukkit so i could be wrong. But my guess would be that it will require an external mod.
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    rbrick It wasn't a mod. It was on some sort of big prison server (cant think of the name, brain derp)

    But, I think it may be possible with packets or something.
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    As i said still relatively new, don't trust me :p
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    I'm afraid there is a set limit. (probably 16 chars, as that is the max length of a string that can be sent in one packet) It cannot be changed

    EDIT: That server is probably using a modded api extension such as SpigotMC
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    Spigot is a higher performance version of CraftBukkit, Spout is the one with all the mods and stuff.
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    Quantum64 xTrollxDudex Well, is there a way I can do it without those? Or does spigot allow it or something?
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    Use team prefixes/suffixes. And spigot has absolutely nothing to do with this, it's a client disconnect.
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    maybe using the player's sidebar as a player list?
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