Filled Better Chat thing

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by fredghostkyle1, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Chat

    Suggested name: ChatPlugin (I dont care mutch)

    What I want: I woud like a plugin like hero chat. The only reason i'm not ussing HeroChat is becuas, well read on. I need 4 channals,
    1. [Help] - Help channal, all players see this. /help <msg>. &9 for color code.
    2. [Trade] Trade Channel, all player will see this. /trade <msg>. &6 color code.
    3. [Global] - All player see this, global channale, default. /g &2 color code.
    4. [Local] - Local chat. can toggle betwean this and global. will go 150 blocks. /l. &e color code.
    Chat format:
    {color}[{name}] {prefix} {username} {suffix} &6: {color}

    Ideas for commands:
    • /ch - base command/help
    • /ch g - change to Global chat.
    • /ch l - change to Local chat.
    • /help <msg> - help channal
    • /trade <msg> - trade channal.
    • /g - QuickMsg. to Global
    • /l - QuickMsg. to Local

    Ideas for permissions: no premissions needed. ALL player will have this. maby a ChatPlugin.* or something if you would like to.

    When I'd like it by: SOON! i need this for my new server!!
  2. Offline


    And why are you not using herochat, it CAN do all this...
  3. Offline


    Im having problems with it, if you can help that would be great!
  4. Offline


    Along with CommandHelper you can easily do this with herochat. Listen to this guy ^^^^
  5. Offline


    Thx a lot, i look into this.

    still not what im looking for, i have herd of this before.

    EvilKanoa Think you will be able to help me het HeroChat workin? there not very good Docs. on it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  6. Offline


    What...? Do you even try to do some research. You could do this exact with using HeroChat and CommandHelper.
  7. Offline


    I have this setup on my server, everything except the/trade, /l and /help commands (which CommandHelper will give you) using just HeroChat, It is really vary easy to setup, just a bit 'o' google and a touch of intelligence :p

    But if you really can't get it, add me on skype: kphaley123
  8. Offline


    Ok, How would i do this? Sorry im not connectiong the dots here. HeroChat would mannage the channals, but i have failed to see how they would work together. from my resurch, i find that CommandHelper will make allyed commands. Also HeroChat will let me make channals. If you could explane this better, it would help a lot.
  9. Offline


    /l $ =/ch qm local $
    That would make it so people type /l <message> and it would quick message in local.
  10. Offline


    HeroChat has that.
  11. Offline


    :facepalm: Ill just let you research it since you dont quite understand what im saying.
  12. Offline


    nhadobas no i dont lol i got it fixed now. its fine!
  13. Offline


    If you need any help don't hesitate to add me on Skype: inf.nhadobas
  14. Offline


    i got it working.
  15. Offline


    Ik, I just gave you my Skype if you ever need future help.
  16. And
    Next time you should Private Message eachother instead of constantly bumping the thread to the top.
  17. Offline


    What problems?

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