
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by retsrif, Mar 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Questions about beds:
    1. Can you detect who's sleeping in a bed? If so, how?
    2. Can you detect if someone stops using the bed? Again, how?
    3. Is there a method to check if a player is sleeping or not?
    Thanks! :)
  2. Offline


    I saw:
    [CraftBukkit] Tanel Suurhans - - add BedBlock - implement BLOCK_INTERACT for beds

    Don't know if it's fully implemented as I can't find it in the javadoc
  3. Offline


    Yeah I've seen this file in the javadocs. It shows an event that takes a parameter of an EntityHuman, but not a way to access it. Do you think I should just check for whoever interacted with a bed to get the person in it? Should work right? How do you think I should check who leaves a bed?
  4. Offline


    Yea, I'd check for the player who interacted with the bed. As for who leaves the bed, I'm not entirely sure.
  5. Offline


    I thought of using the onPlayerMove event to check if the player's location has changed? Though I don't know if the player leaving the bed counts as a movement. Also, is there a way to constantly check for a specific thing? Like keep checking if the player's location is not the bed's location anymore.
  6. Offline


    Well... the event added is just BLOCK_INTERACT (right click) but working for beds. You'd probably have to go to craftbukkit code for anything deeper (there are a couple of entityhuman variables for sleep).
  7. Offline


    But how can I access those variables? They just seem to be passed into methods and are never returned from another method.
  8. Offline


    ((CraftPlayer)getPlayer()).getHandle().[bed variable].
  9. Offline


    What do you mean by bed variable? Do you mean BedBlock? Also, where are the CraftBukkit javadocs?
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 4:46 PM ---
    getHandle() returns an EntityPlayer. Currently looking at EntityPlayer docs, though as expected, they're obfuscated, and don't even give a clue as to what does what.
    EDIT: Would a person in a bed be considered a passenger? Most likely not right?
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