
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Alice Sakamoto, Jun 17, 2018.

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  1. Plugin name: Bedroom

    Version: 1.13 (when it comes to 1.13. that means soon)

    how it should work:
    you place a bed somewhere and if someone else puts there bed near yours you can talk in the same bedroom chat. radius of it, in which worlds it will be disabled, where a players beds are, how near the others beds need to be to get into the same bedroom chad and in which worlds in a config

    Permissions and commands:
    • No commands - Bedroom.use for using it at all, Bedroom.share using it with others if someone elses bed is near yours
    If anything is unclear for you, you need more details or you can develope me a plugin working with DiscordSRV just tell me. thanks for reading
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
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    But, just only on nights?
  3. @Ahrigumi good question but no. all the time. the players should have free room for doing it all the time. you just place a bet, the other one near by yours and then you got a bedroom chat.
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  5. Offline


    where does the bedroom radius begins? at the location of the first bed placed? inside the radius you are always limited to bedroom chat?
  6. @MightyOne means for every bed the same radius. if a bed is in the radius of another they use the same chat. yes it can work like a chain. you only can enter the chat only if one the beds is yours.
  7. ok, they said 1.13 will be out this month
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