Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Nojaxas, Jul 19, 2012.

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    Hello,i have an active server and i have a problem that i need to fix now. I have bananaregion and others can't rent it says : You are not allowed to do this comand! (Or something like that)
    How can i fix it? Is there a permission node for this command.Thank you :)
  2. Offline


    Please help :(
  3. Offline


    plz .Can you help me with that i need it :(.
  4. 1. Make sure you are using the newest version (v5.0) of BananaRegion.
    2. RTFM.
    3. Ask you question at the BukkitDev side of BananaRegion next time, you'll get much faster help there.
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