BananaNordic - Permission Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AuZor, Oct 3, 2011.

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    /Close - Too laggy
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    I take it you're using the PermissionsBukkit plugin, if you're specifying groups?

    If so, you'll want to set your groups up in the plugins/PermissionsBukkit/config.yml file.

    Otherwise, please follow the correct format for posting support requests.
  3. Offline


    The groups are all working, and as you see, I've set the nordic.command to admin, which I am.

    I'm currently using Permissions, which seems to be inactive. I cannot find the version I'm using, but it all works.
    I have no problems changing to PermissionsEX or bPermissions, whatever you prefer.
  4. Offline


    Yeah, I'd definitely switch that to one of the more recent permissions systems. Bukkit now has permissions built-in, but it only provides two groups be default, op and non-op, and it's up to the plugin to decide what nodes/commands go to which of those two groups. For more groups, inheritence, world-specific permissions, etc, you'll want one of the newer permissions plugins. I've only used PermissionsBukkit, so that's the only one I'm familiar with, but there are several other good ones as well.
  5. Offline


    Well, I'll take a look, but did not solve my Nordic problem :-p
  6. Offline


    Never used Nordic, don't know much about it. Does it even support the old Permissions plugin? It doesn't say anything about WHICH permissions format or plugin it was built for, but it does state in the OP of that thread:

    So because you're specifying the generator in the bukkit.yml file, according to the above, you don't even need the command/permission node. And at any rate, in the old permission system, the last node that your admin group has is '*', which means ALL nodes, including nordic.command. When you switch to a current permissions system, you won't be able to use '*' though.
  7. Offline


    Arg, got it working now! I had to op myself via the console, even though I don't have such a rank. Thanks!
  8. Offline


    Nice, that's one way to work around it.
  9. Offline


    Sadly, I had to remove it! It lagged the shit out of my server, replaced with My Worlds and added MultiInv for creative/survival :)
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